American DJ Mega LED bars ASAP

I am trying to use the American DJ Mega LED Bars for a show, but i can only get one of them to show the right color, now on the DJ site it says to use the Elation DMX 512 as the Fixture to use. But there are a couple different ones to choose from so i did the 6 ch and i get light but only one gives the right color, i need help ASAP.
  • Hi Mike -

    I'm confused - I don't think the Elation DMX 512 is a fixture, but a controller, like a Congo (well, not exactly like a Congo, but a controller that speaks the DMX512 control protocol).

    We need more details in order to help you out. What fixture template did you use to patch your Mega Bars (I don't see a template for these fixtures in either the Standard or Extended libraries, so that might be contributing to the problems you are seeing)? How many do you have? How have you addressed them? I've attached a show file with this fixture defined in it, so if you need to you can import the template from this show into your show and see if it makes your fixtures work better.

    You might want to give our technical services folks a call at 800/688-4116 to talk through the problem with someone, rather than communicating by forum posting...

    Thanks -



  • ok thanks i will give a call. I went into the elation in the extended library and used the LED Bar 36 6 ch i believe.
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  • Ok, I took a look and there are some differences between the fixture definitions. Try the template I wrote for you and see if that helps. :-)

    Since the fixture has an internal dimmer channel, and because they have a bunch of macros on that channel, I made that parameter "Dimmer" and placed it in the Beam category. I thought about using Congo's Fade With Intensity function so you could use the regular channel's intensity to control the LEDs, but I didn't know what you wanted to do with the fixture. Anyway, to get light out, you may need to make sure that the Dimmer parameter (in the Beam catigory) is set to some value other than zero.

    I hope this helps - 


  • ok great thanks so much, i have 5 fixtures 3 are used for a back wash and 2 for backlighting. I want to be able to control them all individually if needed. so i will try what you wrote, thanks so much and if i have any problems i will call.