Refresh TIME , atrib times for one device

In next version of Congo can be a possibility to change a refresh time?

There is possibility to set  ex. beam time to only one device in the preset?


  • Hello Michal -

    I know we have had requests for a refresh time in the past - are you using this to refresh the whole look or only selected channels? If it's the whole look, you could perform a GOTO instead of REFRESH to use the crossfade time...

    You can apply times to individual channels for individual parameters in any preset. If you want to do this live as you are building the look, record the preset then you can select one or more channels and use # TIME & FOCUS (or COLOR or BEAM or WHEEL KEY for the parameter) to apply times just to those channels. When the confirmation dialog appears it will ask you if you want to apply the time to the top-level preset or to the selected channel(s) - in your case you want the second button, not the top one. To apply delays, use # DELAY & FOCUS, etc..

    Or, after you have recorded the preset you can open the Preset Attribute Editor for that preset using the Preset List or the shortcut # PRESET & ATTRIB, then use FORMAT & TIME to display the individual time cells for each channel/parameter, and/or FORMAT & DELAY to open the individual delay cells for each channel/parameter. Then you can arrow around and enter times as you would in any other table.

    I hope this helps!



  • Hi Sarah. Can I see this times in playbeck view. For now is see this only in live atrib.
  • Undo will be the best solution for bad times...
  • "Undo" will be the best solution for bad times...
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