Congo programming help

I have a couple of questions about programming the congo that i hoped someone could help me with. 

-Is there a way of changing the parameter value display above the wheels to show a percentage or absolute value instead of a pallette?  Its helpfull to see when your lights are in the values stored as pallettes but I also like to be able to glance at them and see that for example the pan is at 50%?

-What value do I need to set in the highlight column of a template so that the parameter doesn't change when put into highlight mode?  I'm using some adb warps and highlight mode changes the lens and focus settings which is quite annoying when you just want to check the focus of a single light in a group.

- Is there a way of changing levels in presets that are up on master playbacks? I know you can do it in the preset editor and in sequences but when running a basic show on playbacks it would be good to be able to select and dim channels beyond the playback level.

-Is there a way of setting playbacks so that colours and positions will reach their recorded state before the fader is at full?

 I'll have my foot poised ready to kick myself as I'm sure some of these things are basic programming knowledge!


  • Hi,


    You can change between DATA and Palettes with the Data key under DEVICES in the ML display

    Quick answer is, You can't! Only Pan and Tilt is exluded, sorry! We are working on it.

    By changing the time for Focus, Color or Beam. e.g. ## TIME & Focus will set a Focus time

    Hope that helps and make sense





  • Hi

    Thanks for your help with that.  In case anyone else was looking for it I found the Data softkey under the channels softkey. 

    I just tried changing the time and it works in a sequence but not in a preset in a master playback unless i'm doing something wrong?  So what I want to do is record a cmy fixture with its intensity at full and cyan channel at full.  I then want to be able to put the fader at 50% so the intensity will also be at 50% but the blue parameter at full rather than half way between open and blue.

    Is it possible to adjust levels in an active preset?

    Thanks again,



  • Hi

    Thanks for your help with that.  In case anyone else was looking for it I found the Data softkey under the channels softkey. 

    I just tried changing the time and it works in a sequence but not in a preset in a master playback unless i'm doing something wrong?  So what I want to do is record a cmy fixture with its intensity at full and cyan channel at full.  I then want to be able to put the fader at 50% so the intensity will also be at 50% but the blue parameter at full rather than half way between open and blue.

    Is it possible to adjust levels in an active preset?

    Thanks again,



  • Steve,

    I'd love to be able to exactly that.  My other desk's a pearl, and it's behaviour is excellent for busking.  The attributes go to their full level for that preset in the recorderd time, when the master is moved only a little.   The only work around i've found on the congo,is to manually put the fixtures into their pallettes live, either with or without time, but this feels like way too many button presses, and either takes up too many masters, or requires extra paperwork to remember what goes where.

    I'd love the Congo to have that ability.




  • Steve T:


    Thanks for your help with that.  In case anyone else was looking for it I found the Data softkey under the channels softkey. 


    Sorry about that, didn't have a console in front of me.




    [edited by: Bullen at 4:40 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 04 2008]
  • Hi,

    In the Setup under Masters, try to check the "Disable Master Rubberband" and "Times on masters" and see if that helps. Rubberband is the function that makes attributes follow the fader.

    Make sense??



  • Hi Steve


    Bullen has indicated to you the right direction!


    Using the setting in the Master tab of Settings you have three boxes:

    Time on master

    Rubberband: return on fade down

    Daisable Master Rubberband


    Then you have the possibility to record a time for the specific Master Playback where you have loaded your preset....

    Because remeber that Congo is a Preset console and the the preset doesn't have any information about time....

    The time information are only on playback tools (master playback or sequence)


    To do what you want to do you have to disable rubberband on master playback (chek the box) and to disalble time on master (no chek on the box).

    Load the preset with your moving ligths in a position with a color in a Master playback;

    Then hold modify and press the master playback key;

    Now move in the colunm "In" and set the time you want.

    move a little the fader and the moving ligths will start to move and to change the color in the time recorded in the master playback and you can use the time you want to reach the the intensity you have recorded for that preset.

     I don't know exacly what the pearl can do (I like pearl:-)) but playing with this four setting I think you can do everythig you want with the Congo!;-)




    Davide Gabbani

    Italian ETC Certified Contracted

    Console Trainer

  • Hi,


    Just a small correction. The preset holds the attribute timing, but the "Time on master" must be checked. You can also use Master Page timing, it will use the same timing for all presets on that page.


  • Hey.

    Thanks to all for that, I knew there must have been a way of doing it. Its probably about time i booked myself onto the course!


