V5 playback freezing

Hi all,

Twice in the last two days I've had our Congo (running V5) seize up on playback.

I can't reproduce the fault on command.

The times in the master playback window are replaced with dotted lines.

You can manually push the presets through but the Go button does nothing.

To solve this, I've had to load a known good play (one of my standards that suits the rig I'm running) and import the presets from the last saved version of my current show.

This is a little time consuming (if it keeps happening I'll bother to write a macro to do it for me) but would be very unpleasant if I leave a client operator on the console to do a plot session and they don't save often or if it happens during the run of a show where I rely on WFA fields to get certain effects.

I've been having a few problems since "upgrading" to V5. Is is possible to send my console back to V 4.3, I never had any hang ups with that version?



  • If you get the dotted lines (looks like this -----, right?), this indicates that the speed control or rate for the playback is set to zero. Please check that the sequence rate is above 0.

    Does this happen only on the master playback and not on the main playback?

    If you have a Congo Sr console, please check that the spring-loaded speed control wheels are working properly.

  • If you get the dotted lines (looks like this -----, right?), this indicates that the speed control or rate for the playback is set to zero. Please check that the sequence rate is above 0.

    Does this happen only on the master playback and not on the main playback?

    If you have a Congo Sr console, please check that the spring-loaded speed control wheels are working properly.

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