Live atributes


 I've already install the 4.3 version in our Congo but I can't tryed for now cause I'm in a middle of one show but I saw some differences to 4.2.1 version and I liked.

My question is:

In the live atributes tab with the 4.2.1 I saw the level of the moving lights that I have and everytime that I select 1 or more appears one yellow box around the channel and since I use the 4.3 version that doesn't happen. Is it normal or I do something wrong? 

And other thing that I note is that everytime I press the GO key the hourglass appear and I don't know if I can do something while the hourglass is on. In 4.2.1 version it only appear when I try to do many things at the same time but I know that the console need some time to think so it wasn't a problem.


Pedro Alves


P.S.: Many thanks for the Alert Time cause it's one of the things that I used with the VLC system and I missed a lot.  

  • Hi Pedro -

    I cannot replicate what you are seeing in the Live Attributes tab. However, when you are focused on the Live tab, selected channels will be shown in the Live Attributes tab with gray boxes. You will only see gold boxes in the Live Attributes tab when you are also focused on that tab - could this be what you are seeing?

    The hourglass should not appear every time you press GO. Could you send me a copy of your play file? My address is sarah "dot" clausen "at" etcconnect "dot" com.


