Recording in seq.

Hey first off love V5. I have a cue stack in a seq and the preset numbers very when i record a cue after the 3 cue it puts it down under the 8 cue. it happens no matter where i record a cue.
  • Hi Russell -

    I'm not sure I understand the problem you are seeing - could you provide a detailed description of what you're doing and what the console is doing in response? Also, if you have a show file to upload, we can take a look at it.



  • Hi Sarah,

       Let me try this again. I have a sequence with presets in it. I go to record a new preset after a preset in the stack and it will put the new preset farther down the stack than after the preset i recorded after.

  • Hi Russell -

    Let's see if I understand what you're doing... :-)

    You are playing back your sequence (and this sequence has 10 presets in it, numbered as 1 thru 10), and let's say you are in "cue" (Preset) 4 in the A fader and preset 5 is currently pending in the B fader. You make some changes to the live look and press RECORD, expecting the console to offer a number between 4 and 5, but instead it offers you preset 11. Is this what you are seeing?

    If so, you need to tell Congo that the look you are currently recording should be stored to a specific number beween 4 and 5, like 4.5 for example. You need to type [4][.][5] [RECORD]. As a shortcut, when using only RECORD, Congo by default offers you the next-available-lowest-whole-numbered-preset based on the preset numbers you have used in the sequence. If you started by recording preset 101 as the start of your sequence, then just use RECORD from that point on, Congo will offer up 102, then 103 and so on. To insert a new preset between existing presets, you always have to type the number first. Make sense?

    I hope this helps, if not, please let me know.

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Russell,

    If you acidently  press record and then press ESC, the counter for the preset Number will increase, but pressing ESC does not reset this. For example you recorded Preset 4, then you press Record followed by ESC 3 times you next free preset given by the console will be 8. In order to record preset 5 you have to type [5] and the press Record.

     I hope that helps



  • Hi Russell,

    If you acidently  press record and then press ESC, the counter for the preset Number will increase, but pressing ESC does not reset this. For example you recorded Preset 4, then you press Record followed by ESC 3 times you next free preset given by the console will be 8. In order to record preset 5 you have to type [5] and the press Record.

     I hope that helps



  • let me explain better. i have a cue stack of about 60 presets the numbers are diff. i have about 20 of the cues are the same number but in diff spots. i go to record off a cue and the congo put the cue not after the cue i am at but in a diff spot.
  • Russell-


    When you are recording and working with presets out of order like you are describing, the console assumes that when you are recording a new cue that it wants to put it in some sort of logical numerical sequence, not necessarily after the preset you are in (unless that is the next logical number).  In order to insert a preset into the sequence out of order, you need to go into the sequence list for the particular sequence you are working on (by pressing 1 then SEQ (or whatever number sequence you're working on)), have the selection on the preset you want to insert after, and press 1 INSERT (or whatever number preset you want to insert).  Depending on whether you have actually recorded something into this preset will determine whether there is actually data in it, but you can record the info either before or after inserting it. (but if you record it before then it may put it somewhere else in the sequence that you don't want it...however you can use the same system for deleting as inserting).

    Hope it helps.


  • Hi there -

    Mark is correct - the problem is occuring because you are reusing presets and the "Build" mode of the playback doesn't necessarily know where you intend to insert that new preset. Congo's rules are usually quite simple, so sometimes the more complex editing can get complicated by that simplicity. The Build mode rule is simply "insert new presets sequentially by preset number", so when there's more than one use of a preset number in a sequence that rule falls apart.

    To simplify your editing, I would use the sequence editor tab like Mark suggests, and I would turn Build mode off on the main playback (SETUP & PLAYBACK). You'll have to insert new presets manually, but it will solve the random insertion you're seeing now. You can always turn Build mode back on if you're back to working in a unique preset/sequential way.

    I hope that helps - 

    Thanks -


  • Ok so i have not had to record ay new cues till today i was recording new looks for a new song. The previous song was 207-217 the song before it was 510-525 i recorded of of 217 and hit 30[record] (that was where i had a big block of open cues) and so i expected the congo to put it after 217 but it put it after 515 in the first song.

    Is there something i need to do differnt in the seq. editor tab?

  • You need to go into the seq editor tab and insert preset 30 where you want it in the sequence (and delete it from where it added it in the wrong place).  Then when you're working on presets with a logical numbering system after that (31, 32, etc...) it should put them after 30 if you're working in Build mode.


