Matrix for LED?

Maybe in congo team can find  place for matrix or something else for LED?
  • Having a LED matrix in the Congo platform should be a big advance.

    What we do in the mean time is using the ArKaos software . The ArkAos software in combination of the ArKaos ledmapper is working fantastic on Congo. The possibility to use the 3 undefined key's underneat the focus/color/beam butons make's is very fast to use.

    If you have some more questions, just give me a sign.


  • Having a LED matrix in the Congo platform should be a big advance.

    What we do in the mean time is using the ArKaos software . The ArkAos software in combination of the ArKaos ledmapper is working fantastic on Congo. The possibility to use the 3 undefined key's underneat the focus/color/beam butons make's is very fast to use.

    If you have some more questions, just give me a sign.


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