Lamps moving on on their own...

Hi Again,

Today's issue is that I have a fixture which keeps moving of it's own accord.

Every half hour or so, the lamp will snap to a different position (probably its 'Home' position). Thee's nothing to indicate any changes on the desk (no change flags, etc) Live Attributes still shows the fixture as being set to its previous pallette, and nobody is touching the desk -I was on the floor when it did it last ! Re-cutting in the Preset brings it back again.

Has anyone else come across this spooky phenomenon ? -it's odd that it's only happening with one lamp (a Mac 2000)

Thanks again


  • Richard, 

    Today I finished my 8 hours of training with Dave of ETC, (on a Congo Jr.).  While being trained one of my new MAC 250 Spot Heads, less than 8 months old, began moving to the home postion and then tracking back to its position.  The other lights are not having any trouble so I do think it is the Congo Jr, but you never know.  I plan on checking out the light by hooking up the old express 48/96 to see where the problem is.  Let me know what you find and I will let you know what I find.  I have to admit it is going to take me a little time to understand all the bells and whistles of this console.



  • Richard, 

    Today I finished my 8 hours of training with Dave of ETC, (on a Congo Jr.).  While being trained one of my new MAC 250 Spot Heads, less than 8 months old, began moving to the home postion and then tracking back to its position.  The other lights are not having any trouble so I do think it is the Congo Jr, but you never know.  I plan on checking out the light by hooking up the old express 48/96 to see where the problem is.  Let me know what you find and I will let you know what I find.  I have to admit it is going to take me a little time to understand all the bells and whistles of this console.



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