Another noob.. Sound to Light using XLR

I'm a noob to the congo jr.  I have been using it for about 8 months now.  I have searched and really haven't found an answer yet.  I am wanting to do Sound to Light utilizing an XLR cable.  This will be fed off a live band.  Our audio tech said it was easiest for him to feed us an XLR cable.  What do I do from there?  Or do I need to find another way? Thanks!

  • marksranger said:

    Our audio tech said it was easiest for him to feed us an XLR cable.  What do I do from there?  Or do I need to find another way? Thanks!

    I would be less concerned about what connector he is handing you, you can adapt pretty much from anything to anything else, than what level the signal is arriving to the console at.  Is it mic level?  Line level?  Is there a possibility the level varry at all?  I don't know how, or if, audio in is implemented in the Congo, I have never had reason to look in to it, but I do know of a few other consoles that have trouble dealing with varrying levels or levels that are to hot and quickly overload the input.



  • marksranger said:

    Our audio tech said it was easiest for him to feed us an XLR cable.  What do I do from there?  Or do I need to find another way? Thanks!

    I would be less concerned about what connector he is handing you, you can adapt pretty much from anything to anything else, than what level the signal is arriving to the console at.  Is it mic level?  Line level?  Is there a possibility the level varry at all?  I don't know how, or if, audio in is implemented in the Congo, I have never had reason to look in to it, but I do know of a few other consoles that have trouble dealing with varrying levels or levels that are to hot and quickly overload the input.



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