Another noob.. Sound to Light using XLR

I'm a noob to the congo jr.  I have been using it for about 8 months now.  I have searched and really haven't found an answer yet.  I am wanting to do Sound to Light utilizing an XLR cable.  This will be fed off a live band.  Our audio tech said it was easiest for him to feed us an XLR cable.  What do I do from there?  Or do I need to find another way? Thanks!

Parents Reply
  • Anders Ekvall said:

    This is a slightly different request. Congo cannot listen to a sound source. However, if the sound mixing table can send any kind of MIDI commands, this can trigger the start of Congo cues.

    Sorry to bring this year old theme up, but I'm also interested in basic Sound to Light features/effects. Those can come in handy when fast setup in different venue is needed, or when some basic effects are needed that will react on sound but without strictly programmed design.

    Is the "listening" problem hardware or software based (as Congo Jr. have Audio Line and Mic Input on 3,5mm jack ?)

    If it is only software, would it be possible to implement basic audio filtering (Bass, Mid, High) that will trigger other effects, masters, palletes etc. ? Would it take too much "processing" time and downgrade performance of the console?

