Atributes do not stop in the sequence

Hi. Is it  posible to stop and reverse the atributes change in sequence?

Ex. Using a Playback I trigger the artributes when I press GO or when I move the crossfader. How to stop, and GO Back preset with change of atributes?

On masters there is option "Rubberband: Return on fade down" and it is working....

[edited by: Michał at 5:00 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jan 3 2009]
  • Hi there -

    Do you mean when a crossfade is actively running? Use GOTO instead of Go BACK if the fade is in progress and the attributes will also move. In an upcoming release the behavior of GO BACK will be changed so that using it mid-fade will match its behavior when the fade is completed (essentially performing a GOTO to the previous look).

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Hi,

    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    I was also thinking about "rubberband'ing" atributes to the manual xfader.

    To reverse the change before it ends, with xfader moving back- atributes are changing back.

    Like it happens with submasters- you can smoothly reverse the change (of palette, preset or anything else what's stored in submaster),

    and atributes will change back with the submaster move.


    [edited by: Michał at 3:56 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 6 2009]
  • Hi there -

    Well, the crossfader is doing something different than the master faders do - it's advancing presets within a sequence where the fader on a preset on a master is bringing that preset up then sending the data back to wherever it was before. Hmm. Do you want to do this between two presets on the main playback? Because there are settings for the main playback that will not advance the sequence so you could essentially fade up and down between two looks. I don't think the main playback will behave in the exact same way as a master playback will with regard to "return on fade down" though...

    Could you describe exactly what you want the lighting to do at that moment? It might help me understand exactly how you want the main playback to behave.




  • Hi Sarah...

    So... I have a sequence in playbeck.

    In this seq. I have a presets.

    In presets I have devices whith difrent atributes and conventional fixtures.

    When I change presets in Playback usig a crossfade ( crossfader or "GO" button) in this presets I change the intensities and atributes.

    When I want to stop presets change ( stop crosfader or press "pause" button ) or go back with a change ( shift back corfader or press "GO BACK" button) the intensities are stoping or changing back   BUT ATRIBUTES DON'T STOP OR ChANGING BACK.  < ----- And this is my problem : )

    I want only stop and/or change back the atributes in sequence : )

    I hope my explanation helps : )

    Thanks for interest

  • Hi Michal -

    If you are pressing GO BACK while the fade is moving, you are correct in that the attributes will not move. If the fade has completed (and the movers have also completed) GO BACK will move the attributes. This is a function of how GO BACK was originally designed and will be changing in either v5.1 or v6.0 software. In the mean time, if you need to go back during a fade with attributes moving, I recommend using the GOTO button instead.

    Thanks -


  • Sarah. Big Thanks.

    If I  understand well go back button will be back atributes and pause button will be stop atributes  in next software version?

    There is  option to change the atributes move whith crossfader in next version...?

    [edited by: Michał at 12:21 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jan 6 2009]
  • Hi -

    I'm not sure if GO BACK will be changed in the next version, or if it will be the version after that. I have to wait for Anders to return from holidays to make sure. :-)

    I'm still not sure what you mean about the faders - attributes do follow the faders now.  In which case do they not?



  • sclausen said:


    I'm still not sure what you mean about the faders - attributes do follow the faders now.  In which case do they not?


    attributes do follow the faders now in playback  on crossfaders?


  • Hi -

    Yes, by default they do. Please check your console settings for the Crossfader - the setting "Disable PB Rubberband" should not be checked. If this is checked, I believe the attributes will not follow the crossfaders.

    Thanks -


  • We have  tried  that option... I will check it  tomorrow. Big Thanks for Your patience.

Reply Children
  • Hi Sarah...

    Rubberband sometimes is working with crossfader in MainPlayback and this is what I ask before. But there are few things:


    * It's working sometimes

    *  If You want use the PB Rubberband You must select in preset atributes change on "ON GO". Where You have Automark or In B it is not working.

    *  When You set ON GO atr. move they not change when You use [+ SEQ][- SEQ] or [REFRESH] buttons

    Maybe I ask... Can Rubberband option work whith AutoMark  in next versions of Congo soft?

    I'm wating for Rubberband with Buttons [GO] ,  [GO BACK] and [PAUSE]

    This is in another post but , What do You think about path many Channels to One dimmer?

    [edited by: Michał at 8:12 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 7 2009]
  • Hi Michal -

    Regarding the many channels:1 dimmer patch question, I understand the problem but Congo is not designed to support this kind of a patch. I'm trying to come up with a clever solution to that problem - but so far no luck! :-)

    Sorry -


  • Michał said:
    *  If You want use the PB Rubberband You must select in preset atributes change on "ON GO". Where You have Automark or In B it is not working.

    This is by design.

    Fundamentally, Automark must move the attributes before the cue happens. Therefore, they are already in the new position when you start the cue, and there is no 'back' to return to.

    GoInB always moves the attributes when they are loaded into the B field - when the previous cue completes. Again, there's no back to return to.

  • Richard said:


    Fundamentally, Automark must move the attributes before the cue happens. Therefore, they are already in the new position when you start the cue, and there is no 'back' to return to.

    GoInB always moves the attributes when they are loaded into the B field - when the previous cue completes. Again, there's no back to return to.


    Hello Richard.

    In AutoMark mode, attributes are automatically activated In B or On Go based on the level in Live and in B.


    Fundamentally, Automark was designed for marge two options "OnGo" and "GoInB". This is function for more confortable working whith atributes.

    So... when I have intensities in 3 next presets (in seq) Automark set atrib. automatically On GO.


    [edited by: Michał at 12:31 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jan 8 2009]