Direct selects

Hi all i was just wondering I have got some apollo DMX smart moves and to my surprise they were in the fixture list, the problem I have is the I have put the 13 effects in ranges that are in the manual, but when i hold the beam button they dont come up in the direct select keys or the top window like the strobe / colour ect like in my macs.

How do I select these or do i have to input these into tables or how do i see these.



  • Can you send me your showfile, and I'll have a look!


    Thanks for your email - I've found why it's not behaving as you expect.

    The reason for this is because the ranges given in the Tables are over-riding the values given in the Ranges - this is the normal behaviour in a Congo template, as the Tables allow you to define different Ranges for each function of multi-function parameters.

    It looks like the best option may be to simply delete the Tables from the parameters, keeping the new Ranges you have created.

    Incidentally, you don't have to make a Non Dimmable template!
    You can get the same operation by using a Dimmer Curve, with interpolation turned off.

    When you create a new play, there are a few default Dimmer Curves created for you, including an Off/On which snaps to Full at 51%, and a Full At 1 which snaps to Full at 1%

    That said, either method works fine - that's the beauty of Congo, as there's always at least two ways to do something! 

    [edited by: Richard at 7:03 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 03 2007] [edited by: Richard at 7:03 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 03 2007]
  • Can you send me your showfile, and I'll have a look!


    Thanks for your email - I've found why it's not behaving as you expect.

    The reason for this is because the ranges given in the Tables are over-riding the values given in the Ranges - this is the normal behaviour in a Congo template, as the Tables allow you to define different Ranges for each function of multi-function parameters.

    It looks like the best option may be to simply delete the Tables from the parameters, keeping the new Ranges you have created.

    Incidentally, you don't have to make a Non Dimmable template!
    You can get the same operation by using a Dimmer Curve, with interpolation turned off.

    When you create a new play, there are a few default Dimmer Curves created for you, including an Off/On which snaps to Full at 51%, and a Full At 1 which snaps to Full at 1%

    That said, either method works fine - that's the beauty of Congo, as there's always at least two ways to do something! 

    [edited by: Richard at 7:03 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 03 2007] [edited by: Richard at 7:03 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 03 2007]
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