Jr. seems sluggish since upgrade - anybody else?

This maybe entirely my imagination, but since upgrading to the latest software release I've noticed the desk feels a little sluggish. The 'hour glass' appears more often on what should be relatively simple key strokes, particularly the Record+ functions (e.g. Record + Focus). I've yet to actually plot/run a show on the new version software, although that is coming up very soon, so I'll be able to say more for certain if it's hanging more often. Is this something anybody else has experienced, or is it just my imagination perhaps?
  • Yea we are having  the same problem. Our board has crashed twice in the past 3 days of tech week. Luckily we have been able to recover the show. What could be causing the sluggishness? Is it windows xp freaking out? Also when we updated we lost our origin screen configuration, and are haveing a hard time setting up our two screens back to the way they were.

  • I am sorry for the sluggishness that you have experienced after upgrading to v6. We are aware of this problem and we have been working hard the last weeks to find a solution to this. We believe that we have now found the source of the random delays and are currently testing an update where this should be fixed. We are doing all we can to get this version released as soon as possible.

    Regarding the crashes that you had: Do you have any dmp files that you can send to me for analysis? (Are you running 6.0.0 or 6.0.1? 6.0.1 contains a number of bug fixes.)

    Regarding lost screen configuration: Could you give me more information about this? Was it the low level screen configuration (like resolution, monitor arrangement etc) or the Congo screen layouts? How did you update to v6? You can always call the Technical Service hotline to get help.

  • I am sorry for the sluggishness that you have experienced after upgrading to v6. We are aware of this problem and we have been working hard the last weeks to find a solution to this. We believe that we have now found the source of the random delays and are currently testing an update where this should be fixed. We are doing all we can to get this version released as soon as possible.

    Regarding the crashes that you had: Do you have any dmp files that you can send to me for analysis? (Are you running 6.0.0 or 6.0.1? 6.0.1 contains a number of bug fixes.)

    Regarding lost screen configuration: Could you give me more information about this? Was it the low level screen configuration (like resolution, monitor arrangement etc) or the Congo screen layouts? How did you update to v6? You can always call the Technical Service hotline to get help.

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