Jr. seems sluggish since upgrade - anybody else?

This maybe entirely my imagination, but since upgrading to the latest software release I've noticed the desk feels a little sluggish. The 'hour glass' appears more often on what should be relatively simple key strokes, particularly the Record+ functions (e.g. Record + Focus). I've yet to actually plot/run a show on the new version software, although that is coming up very soon, so I'll be able to say more for certain if it's hanging more often. Is this something anybody else has experienced, or is it just my imagination perhaps?
  • Yea we are having  the same problem. Our board has crashed twice in the past 3 days of tech week. Luckily we have been able to recover the show. What could be causing the sluggishness? Is it windows xp freaking out? Also when we updated we lost our origin screen configuration, and are haveing a hard time setting up our two screens back to the way they were.

  • Follow up:  will a show file written by Congo V6 run in 5.1?  We're no longer confident that V6 is stable enough for a show, but we open in two days.  If we "downgrade" back to Congo V5.1, will the show file work?

  • Show file backwards compatibility: Because of the large changes to preset and time ranges in v6, a v6 show file cannot be read by v5.1. The old version have no possibility to understand the new preset and time information correctly. This makes it difficult to go back from v6 to v5.1 since a lot of data will be misinterpreted.

    How much work have you done on the show file in v6? If there is a limited amount of work done on the new version, we could try to merge your changes with a show file from v5.1, if you have one. Please let me know if we can be of any assistence.


  • Howdy Techsters,


    Email your Showfile to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com with a copy of your intial message, and

    a list of the major changes you made, and we will try and see what we can do today.


    - corey

  • We had just updated to V6.0.1 to see if that would fix some of the bugs. The board now likes to freeze when we have been recording sequences, and it likes to freeze  when we select our moving lights. We can control the lamp still, but cannot select focus, color, or beam controls. So when we go to save while the board is being sluggish or freezing, we lose all show data up to the point of last save. The first of our board crashes happened when we were programming a dynamic effect  sequence with our moving lights. we are using 4 VL1000 Shutters. We are running 2 DMX Universes. Universe 2 is used only for moving lights. As for the screen configuration, some how it reset itself to only work on one monitor. We usually run 2 monitors. Monitor 2 is our Live view, and monitor 1 is our main playback, patch, effects, and device tab screen. Well it defaulted itself to run only 1 monitor, and after setting it up to run 2 everything now defaults to monitor 1 and we are locked out of 2. 

    Last night we called tech support and were told that it would be ok if we downgraded to 5.1, and that our v6 show files will run. 

  • This needs clarifying:

    Show files saved in v6 will not load correctly in v5.

    In general, show files created in a newer version of any console software will not load correctly in older versions, as the old software will not be able to understand the new features.

    With regards to your monitor issues:

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'locked out' of monitor 2.
    Do you mean that Monitor 2 stays black, or that the monitor shows the brown background without a tab in it?

    [edited by: Richard at 10:50 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Sep 24 2009]
  • It has a background but i cannot bring anything up in it. So v6 wont run in v5.1 , as I was told by an emergency tech support worker last night on the phone?

    [edited by: nsulatechtheatre at 11:10 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Sep 24 2009]
  • Clarification:


    The monitor appears to have Congo screens, but we are unable to move any data over to it.  Previously, the monitors were used to display the 'live' display on monitor 2, and the master playback display on monitor 1.  We are unable to move any screens, docks or information into the second monitor, regardless of the settings in the system configuration.

    Additionally, our 'freezes' seem to be momentary at best; the system stops recognizing keystrokes randomly, and all changes to the data are discarded for some reason.  We have not experienced a full "crash," but rather temporary loss of control which restores itself inconsistently.

    The full show was programmed in V 6.0, and we have since updated to 6.0.1, and these "Congo Brain Freezes" as we've taken to calling them are now more frequent.

    This show opens in 36 hours.

  • Clarification:


    The monitor appears to have Congo screens, but we are unable to move any data over to it.  Previously, the monitors were used to display the 'live' display on monitor 2, and the master playback display on monitor 1.  We are unable to move any screens, docks or information into the second monitor, regardless of the settings in the system configuration.

    Additionally, our 'freezes' seem to be momentary at best; the system stops recognizing keystrokes randomly, and all changes to the data are discarded for some reason.  We have not experienced a full "crash," but rather temporary loss of control which restores itself inconsistently.

    The full show was programmed in V 6.0, and we have since updated to 6.0.1, and these "Congo Brain Freezes" as we've taken to calling them are now more frequent.

    This show opens in 36 hours.

  • Please call ETC Tech Services again, - better now during office hours, - and they will help you get

    your console working again!

    Please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116. 

    [edited by: corey at 12:17 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Sep 24 2009]
  • I'm the faculty Member at NSU, and we have recieved no info about a re-image.

    We appear to be stuck with Congo 6.01...., and we need to have it stable.


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