Changing of Sequence step order


I am considering efficient way to change steps order in a sequence.

Is there more powerful method than CUT/PASTE step in a Sequence List tab?

Is it possible to change step order directly in Playback View (move it, Drag it)?

Thanks for any ideas.



  • Hi Adam -

    The method to move steps around is to use COPY/CUT and PASTE. This is assuming that you have a lot of customized step information (crossfade timing, links, texts) that you need to keep with the step. If you just want to insert presets into the sequence in a different order, you can scroll to the step and use # INSERT to make a new step with that preset. There is no click-and-drag method available for moving steps around in sequences.

    Thanks much -



  • thanks Sarah,


    I think this should be a it is a pain to have to switch windows to edit sequence order and is really counter to good workflow.  drag-and-drop is a standard on many programming platforms and tying all the info that belongs with that shouldn't be an issue.

    Thanks for the consideration.
