Congo Chase


Am i just being stupid or is there no way to put channel numbers in the chase wizard out of numerical sequence or and in odd numbers of channels per step for example red wash 4 lamps, blue wash 3 lamps and green wash 7 lamps.  Because at the moment buliding a chase through starting a new sequence from scratch seems very long winded.  Any thoughts, comment, chances of the wizard being improved would greatly welcomed

David Beaumont, Assistant Technical Manager, Central Theatre, Chatham 

  • Hi Monty,

    as far  as I know there is no way to build  a chase with odd channel numbers.
    I use the chase wizard  to build  the  number of steps including the times  I need  and then  edit  the  steps  in the sequence list. It is not ideal but quicker then building the entire sequence myself.


  • Hi I find if you bring up your first step look the record then press record and a empty submaster, this will record a preset of 800 for you or your next free one, then start on step 2 then dump this onto your next fader and so on and so on.......

    then go to sequence list, insert a new one change this to a chase, then just insert your presets here.

    I find it easier if my chase is made up of p800.1 p800.2 p800.3 p800.4.............. so you dont use all you preset numbers. The wizard is great but if you need a spercific look i find this the best way, Ok it takes half hour to make all your chases up but come on on most desks it takes for ever.

    If you have trigger fingers like me just chase these with the flash buttons. Do it this way if you have less time to put these into a seq and rember to load the seq into a master so you have hands on to your chase.



  • Thanks for this.  

    This is pretty much how we have been doing it and i agree that using the flash buttons for your subs is still a great way of doing it. 

     Cheers Dave

  • Another way to build chases is to build them in the Main Playback - this is my favourite way to do it:

    • Ensure that the "Build Sequence" setting is on (Setup)
    • #, Seq & Playback
    • Confirm that you are making a new Sequence
    • Now record each Sequence Step.
      • Remember to untick "Record All Attributes" for the first step.
      • For neatness, remember to enter the Preset number
      • I usually use the 800+ Presets.

    This will automatically create your Sequence, without you having to manually add the presets into the Sequence.

    Once the Sequence is finished, open up the Sequences List and change the mode to Chase.

    Now you can put the chase onto the right Master ( # Seq & Master Key ), and put the right sequence back onto the Main Playback - or another new sequence to build another!

    I find this faster than many other desks for recording chases. 

  • Another way to build chases is to build them in the Main Playback - this is my favourite way to do it:

    • Ensure that the "Build Sequence" setting is on (Setup)
    • #, Seq & Playback
    • Confirm that you are making a new Sequence
    • Now record each Sequence Step.
      • Remember to untick "Record All Attributes" for the first step.
      • For neatness, remember to enter the Preset number
      • I usually use the 800+ Presets.

    This will automatically create your Sequence, without you having to manually add the presets into the Sequence.

    Once the Sequence is finished, open up the Sequences List and change the mode to Chase.

    Now you can put the chase onto the right Master ( # Seq & Master Key ), and put the right sequence back onto the Main Playback - or another new sequence to build another!

    I find this faster than many other desks for recording chases. 
