Congo - Focusing mode (Focus mode)

Hi All,

I would like to ask about "Focusing mode".

1. Is the mode only for Focus palette or possible to use this option for all FCB palette types?
There is not so rich description in manual except obvious "Focus" mode name.

also question:

2. Is it possible to use this mode on Congo Jr besides it doesn't have Display List option on main display?
Then how to change palette to be edited.



  • Hi,

    A few additional comments to Sarah's post. Yes, you can use Focus Mode for Color, Beam and All Palettes also. If you do, turn off Highlight when it's activated (Highlight is activated each time you pick a new palette for adjust).

    Also keep in mind that palettes that are recorded as "Each Device Type" obviously cannot be adjusted with Focus mode, cause they are by device type palettes and do not contain info for the specific devices.


  • Thanks for writing ;-)

    As I can read Focusing Mode is designed to edit Focus palettes. For other palettes seems to be like using car for skiing what of course is also possible (Taxi movie) ;-) I think it is wise to add some note in manual, what it is designed for (and that is not a point to use it for other things, because of eg no "Each Device Type" storing for color). That is my point of view of course ;-)



  • Thanks for writing ;-)

    As I can read Focusing Mode is designed to edit Focus palettes. For other palettes seems to be like using car for skiing what of course is also possible (Taxi movie) ;-) I think it is wise to add some note in manual, what it is designed for (and that is not a point to use it for other things, because of eg no "Each Device Type" storing for color). That is my point of view of course ;-)



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