
Does the Set/Clear tab under Patch Wizard refer to dimmer/output range or channel range when specifying a range to unpatch? And is there an easy way to unpatch an entire output, say a whole spare universe of DMX?


  • Hi Anne,

    To unpatch a whole universe, I'd suggest using the Output Editor. Open it, press Modify once of twice to get into patch mode. Then select all the outputs in the universe you want by entering 1.x OUTPUT 512.x THRU (where x is the universe number) and then press 0 MODIFY. This will unpatch all channels in the universe or any selected output range. Note it doesn't unpatch devices, only channels.

    The Output Editor is great!

  • Hi Anne,

    To unpatch a whole universe, I'd suggest using the Output Editor. Open it, press Modify once of twice to get into patch mode. Then select all the outputs in the universe you want by entering 1.x OUTPUT 512.x THRU (where x is the universe number) and then press 0 MODIFY. This will unpatch all channels in the universe or any selected output range. Note it doesn't unpatch devices, only channels.

    The Output Editor is great!
