Working with multiple sequences

Hi all,

We are about to go into tech for our next show on the Congo and the designer has asked me about multiple sequences.  What they would like to do is have some long fade time of day things happening but still be able to work freely with the rest of the lighting for other cues.

Here's my current plan.
We will put the time of day cues in Seq 2 and put that sequence on a master.  We'll put in a master link at the top to bring that master up and use macros to trigger its Go button at the appropriate times.  I'm planning to set the console to not record content from masters.  We will then program the rest of the show on Seq 1 in the main playback.

Here are the problems I see so far.
-We won't be able to dim any lights that are on the master below their level on the master at any given point. This might not be much of a problem considering the design.
-I'm planning to have to switch which sequence is on the main playback based on which one we are editing and do most of the editing from the main playback/live.  This presents some potential for getting presets in the wrong sequence if you're not careful.
-I haven't thought of a way to get Seq 2 to be in the right spot when we're jumping around doing notes other than keeping a list and using gotos on the master.  I'll also use the notes column on the main playback but it would be great if I could find a way to make it a little more automatic.

Some questions.
-Is there a quicker way to insert macros than going into the sequence editor?
-Is there a way to speed up a fade on a master?  Something like the silver rate "wheels" for the main playback?

Any insight anyone has that might make things go smoother would be greatly appreciated and I'll report back as we go to let you know what we learn along the way.


  • Hi,

    You might want to consider using Action Macros instead of the button macros.

    In the soon to be released version 5.1, we have improved how Action Macros can control sequences on masters. You can now specfiy which preset of the sequence that you want to fade to. This should simplify the scenario when you are jumping around in the main sequence and want the master sequence to be in the correct position.


    Regarding your questions:

    Quicker way to insert Macros: You have to do this in the Sequence Editor.

    Speed up fade on master: You cannot speed control fades on masters.

  • Hi there -

    And to add to what John said, you may prefer to use a move fade rather than a lock fade. Using move/lock fades will change the way presets are recorded in general, and note that if you choose to write the whole show in this fashion, the first step of your sequence must be a crossfade. :-)

    Thanks -


  • I looked at move/lock fades but there seem to be some problems.  I can't record a move/lock fade if the channels are going to 0.  I could record them with 01 as a level.  I also found it easier to record new presets if I was using master because I can exclude the masters from the new presets rather than having to wait for the lock/move fade to finish so I didn't end up with the fading channels recorded at some random level.

    I'm still hunting for the best way to update presets in the second sequence though.  I know you can edit from the preset list but these changes aren't reflected on the master until you reload the preset.  What I'm looking at now is the following:
    To edit preset 101 from sequence 2, I load preset 101 onto another master and bring that up.  I then take control of the master with Seq 2 on it and fade it out.  Nothing changes on stage.  I can then open the master editor window and make updates to preset 101 on stage and see them as they are typed.  After updating preset 101 from the master editor I Seq -/+ (<</>>) on the master with Seq 2.  Fade up Seq 2 and fade out Preset 101.  This works but involves a lot of steps. 
    Is there any way to edit the master with Seq 2 on it and have the changes show up on stage before reloading the preset?  If not it would be a great future feature.


  • I looked at move/lock fades but there seem to be some problems.  I can't record a move/lock fade if the channels are going to 0.  I could record them with 01 as a level.  I also found it easier to record new presets if I was using master because I can exclude the masters from the new presets rather than having to wait for the lock/move fade to finish so I didn't end up with the fading channels recorded at some random level.

    I'm still hunting for the best way to update presets in the second sequence though.  I know you can edit from the preset list but these changes aren't reflected on the master until you reload the preset.  What I'm looking at now is the following:
    To edit preset 101 from sequence 2, I load preset 101 onto another master and bring that up.  I then take control of the master with Seq 2 on it and fade it out.  Nothing changes on stage.  I can then open the master editor window and make updates to preset 101 on stage and see them as they are typed.  After updating preset 101 from the master editor I Seq -/+ (<</>>) on the master with Seq 2.  Fade up Seq 2 and fade out Preset 101.  This works but involves a lot of steps. 
    Is there any way to edit the master with Seq 2 on it and have the changes show up on stage before reloading the preset?  If not it would be a great future feature.


  • It seems at this point that you can not trigger the "Go" button on the masters from the action macros, only bring a master up.  Is this coming as part of the next update?

  • Hi Mat -

    1) Action Macros - yes, in v5.1 GO Mx will mean GO MX and a new action called START Mx takes the place of the v5.0 GO Mx command (which is what the current action is actually doing, the Start command, not Go).

    2) Move Fades to zero - use the MARK state instead of 0%. MARK can be found in the Channels softkey menu.

    3) Editing presets from sequences on masters will become much easier in v6.0, expected this summer as you will be able to set levels then press UPDATE & Master key to update directly to that preset. Unfortunately, that doesn't help you much right now and I think you've found the best method for the moment. Sorry about that...

    Thanks -


  • Is there a way to open the master playback window on the client? (The window that opens when you connect a master with a sequence to the master playback buttons)  I can get it to open if it is open on the server when I start the client but I haven't found a way to open it with keyboard equivalents.

