Updating from GoOnGo to Automark:global level vs preset level

Hi all,

I searched forum and manual but didn't find this answer, please let me know if it's in there somewhere I've missed.

I'm updating an old show (3rd annual production.) It was originally recorded GoOnGo, with some delayed Focus and Beam attributes to move while dark. Now with version 5, of course, I'm updating all the presets to the awesomeness of AutoMark, which usually seems to automatically adjust all my mover staging 90% of the time. I've changed the show settings, removed most FCB Delays and set the entire main show sequence to AutoMark instead of GoOnGo.

This time, I'm finding that in at least some cases I need to go down to the Preset Attribute Editor level to adjust individual fixtures to AutoMark in their presets. Shouldn't the global Sequence change have taken care of that? it seems to have done so in the past.  This is the first time I've had to set AutoMark basically twice, so I'm a little confused. Or, to put it another way, clearly something is retaining the GoOnGo logic on the Preset level despite the sequence steps all being set to AutoMark. How do I avoid this when updating future shows? I have lots of annual repeats here--"It's the same show as last year"--and I'll run into this again.




  • Anne,

    This sounds similar to an issue I had with trying to get GoinB to work and the setup check box for "Disable Automatic GoOnGo Logic" back in v4.2 and/or 4.3.  If I remember correctly the answer was to uncheck the check box which solved having to go into the Preset Attribute Editor and each step of the sequence to have GoInB set in both places.  We probably need Sarah or Anders to weigh in on this one, but I'd try making sure that that check box is unchecked before you start updating the show and see if that helps the logic percolate through all the layers.

    Good Luck,


  • Hey guys -

    The automatic GoOnGO logic was an attempt to create more logical automarking before we had the real Automark feature, and it caused more problems than it fixed, unfortunately. We removed that option when we introduced Automark. However, if you are bringing in an old show, as Anne has discovered, some remnants of that function may still be in there.

    As with all things Congo, the deeper into an object you get, the higher priority that setting has over more general settings. So, the per channel GoOnGo setting takes precedence over the step's GoOnGo setting, which is why you're seeing that behavior, Anne. In those steps where the automatic logic tried to preserve live moves for you, there are per channel GoOnGo settings that will need to be cleared out.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Thank you very much Sarah & Mark--

    So essentially in this particular show file, I somehow created a kind of timing Attrib Move 'block' where, when I updated a preset in Sequence under the new AutoMark logic, old GoOnGo logic was retained on the preset level. The next chance I get to upgrade an old show, I will peek into the deepest level possible before altering the settings, see where that takes me. Assuming the box is empty, I'll expect my global change will update that; but if filled with GoOnGo, I'll need to edit twice. What is odd to me is that (never say never) but 99.9% of the time, before last October, I never edited attribute timing on the preset level (via the Preset Attribute Editor), so I don't know why it's retaining the info. For it to retain precedence over the newer settings, wouldn't that mean I'd have to have edited that deeply on purpose in the old show?

    Unless I'm totally missing it (likely), there's no indication on the desk when a Sequence Step's Attribute Move setting conflicts with some or all of the fixtures on the preset level?  Just as the open circle for fixture FCB timing in the graphical crossfade displays reminds you that there are exceptions to the step's FCB timing, some flag or note that there is split jurisdiction would be helpful here, at least to me. I've got a lot of old shows that will come back.



  • Thank you very much Sarah & Mark--

    So essentially in this particular show file, I somehow created a kind of timing Attrib Move 'block' where, when I updated a preset in Sequence under the new AutoMark logic, old GoOnGo logic was retained on the preset level. The next chance I get to upgrade an old show, I will peek into the deepest level possible before altering the settings, see where that takes me. Assuming the box is empty, I'll expect my global change will update that; but if filled with GoOnGo, I'll need to edit twice. What is odd to me is that (never say never) but 99.9% of the time, before last October, I never edited attribute timing on the preset level (via the Preset Attribute Editor), so I don't know why it's retaining the info. For it to retain precedence over the newer settings, wouldn't that mean I'd have to have edited that deeply on purpose in the old show?

    Unless I'm totally missing it (likely), there's no indication on the desk when a Sequence Step's Attribute Move setting conflicts with some or all of the fixtures on the preset level?  Just as the open circle for fixture FCB timing in the graphical crossfade displays reminds you that there are exceptions to the step's FCB timing, some flag or note that there is split jurisdiction would be helpful here, at least to me. I've got a lot of old shows that will come back.



  • Hi Anne -

    You didn't set these GoOnGo flags, the console did it on its own. The best way to check this may be to simply update presets as you see them misbehave when you run through an old show file (rather than trying to find them specifically). You can get rid of the flags pretty quickly using # PRESET & ATTRIB to open the deep attribute editor for a preset, then check the GoOnGo column for values. Make sense?

    Thanks -

