Congo v5.1 Software Now Available!

Congo v5.1.0 Software is now available for download from the ETC Web site. This includes the installer for the Congo, Congo jr consoles, Congo Light Server, Congo Client and Congo Offline Editor. In systems with multiple consoles, clients and/or Net3 RVI units, all items must be upgraded in order for the networked system to work. For owners of Congo consoles, there is also a new version of face panel firmware included with the software download (please note, only for full Congo consoles, not Congo jr or Light Servers). We recommend that all Congo users update their systems as soon as their production schedule allows. The software can be downloaded here.

The major feature of this release is the support of the Net3 Radio Focus Remote (RFR) over Ethernet. This allows for multiple bases and handhelds to be used connected to one server, as well as multiple handhelds connected to one base. In addition, many small improvements have been made to RFR operation, mainly within the Patch functions.

Please note: If you own an RFR and are planning to update to Congo v5.1 software, you will also need to update the RFR firmware. We recommend that you use Congo Offline or Net3 GCE on a PC to do this. RFR's can be updated from a console, however the console's hard disk must be reimaged to the v5.1 image to do this. Please plan your updates accordingly so that you do not find yourself with a non-functional RFR.

A significant number of bug fixes and small improvements have been made throughout the Congo application, including the addition of a TapRate parameter for Chase Effect Playbacks. There is no new user manual for this version, but there is new information contained in the on-board Congo Help System. Perform a TEXT search on the term "5.1" to find all the changed pages. Additionally, you can see a list of all fixed and known issues in the Release Note, available for download here.


Thanks -


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