Misc Questions on a single post !!!

Hello folks,


I have looked for this information on congo docs, but couldn't find any answer. How can I switch pages on U1-U2-U3 (when using effects parameters for example) on Congo Jr.? The only way I found is by using Console Mimic, since there are no U1-U2-U3 keys on Jr... Did i miss something?


Another question : is there a way to set up an overall flash level on master playbacks? I only found a way to set a flash level for a single master playback.


Thanks for answering.

PS : V5 is great, V5.1 seems greater (I will try it next week), I can't wait until V6 !!!

  • In Congo Jr, [U1], [U2] and [U3] are available as softkeys above the main LCD.

    • In 5.0.1 and older, they are under the {Device} softkey.
    • In 5.1.0 they are also available under the {Effect} softkey, to make it easier to use the new Effects engine.

    The Flash Level is set on a per-Master basis, and there isn't an overall level.

    Setting an individual Master Flash Level is: # [Flash Mode] & [Master Key]

    Alternatively, to set it for every Master on a given page:

    • [Modify] & [Master_Key 1 or 21] (First one on the bottom or top row)
    • Select the cell at the top of the Flash Level column.
    • Hit [Column] to select the entire column.
    • # [Modify] to apply the new Flash Levels.

    This would need to be repeated for each page as necessary.

  • Thanks a lot Richard, I will try your answers next week. It'll be my first time on congo jr !


    Have a nice weekend
