Hello, I'm a Congo user....

Hi all -

I thought it might be nice if we could all introduce ourselves, and I would really love to hear what kind of work you do with your Congo console...

Where are you located?

Do you work in theatre? Broadcast? Events? House of Worship? Something else?

What kind of features do you find yourself using a lot on your Congo? Sequences? Random playback via masters? Effects? Which are your favorite features?

Do you get a lot of pre-programming time or rehearsal time? Or are your shows more on-the-fly?

Anything else you care to share with us? (let's keep it clean, folks... ;-) )

I'll start...

I'm in Middleton, Wisconsin in the USA.

My training is in theatre, but I've got a lot of experience in events as well.

I get to use all of Congo's features, but I loooooooove the masters and the new effect playbacks!

Traditionally the shows I have done have had prep time.

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a total console geek. :-)

Thanks -


  • Hi there.

    I am Stephan, living and working in Geneva, Switzerland (french speaking part of Switzerland)

    I work as a freelancer in theatres, and in events as well. I also work for a company that sells and rents lighting equipment. One of my activities in the company is to keep in touch with Congo development, such as software updates and so on, and helping our Congo customers for any issue they have with the console.

    For big shows, I use Sequences a lot, tracking, editing times (like attributes times, channel times), channel database, and I was really glad to work with V5 effects, really creative way of designing chasers for the LD. I love the easy way to record effects on presets and seq.

    For large show, most of time we have plenty of time for programming, and it helps us to go really deep in the seq editing so we can be very precise, and we can try a lot of different things. When we are on events, we usually have less time programming on site, but I usually program the congo before the event, so we have very few things to set up right before the event.

    This week I will finally be working on a Congo Jr. for the first time. The tricky thing will be to find the right keys at the right places ! I will have to set up a Net3 Gateway soon as well, it looks really simplier that Net2 to set up.




  • Hi there.

    I am Stephan, living and working in Geneva, Switzerland (french speaking part of Switzerland)

    I work as a freelancer in theatres, and in events as well. I also work for a company that sells and rents lighting equipment. One of my activities in the company is to keep in touch with Congo development, such as software updates and so on, and helping our Congo customers for any issue they have with the console.

    For big shows, I use Sequences a lot, tracking, editing times (like attributes times, channel times), channel database, and I was really glad to work with V5 effects, really creative way of designing chasers for the LD. I love the easy way to record effects on presets and seq.

    For large show, most of time we have plenty of time for programming, and it helps us to go really deep in the seq editing so we can be very precise, and we can try a lot of different things. When we are on events, we usually have less time programming on site, but I usually program the congo before the event, so we have very few things to set up right before the event.

    This week I will finally be working on a Congo Jr. for the first time. The tricky thing will be to find the right keys at the right places ! I will have to set up a Net3 Gateway soon as well, it looks really simplier that Net2 to set up.




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