Hello, I'm a Congo user....

Hi all -

I thought it might be nice if we could all introduce ourselves, and I would really love to hear what kind of work you do with your Congo console...

Where are you located?

Do you work in theatre? Broadcast? Events? House of Worship? Something else?

What kind of features do you find yourself using a lot on your Congo? Sequences? Random playback via masters? Effects? Which are your favorite features?

Do you get a lot of pre-programming time or rehearsal time? Or are your shows more on-the-fly?

Anything else you care to share with us? (let's keep it clean, folks... ;-) )

I'll start...

I'm in Middleton, Wisconsin in the USA.

My training is in theatre, but I've got a lot of experience in events as well.

I get to use all of Congo's features, but I loooooooove the masters and the new effect playbacks!

Traditionally the shows I have done have had prep time.

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a total console geek. :-)

Thanks -


  • Hello,

    John Palmer

    I am based in Los Angeles, California.

    I work in theatre, concerts, and a very little bit of broadcast.

    I use the Congo features depending on the show that I am programming.  Theatre show with rehearsal...sequence on the main playback groups loaded to masters to speed programming.  Concerts are a mix of prebuilt generic sequences and then using masters for everything.  My favorite feature is doing on the fly color changes to a different palette in a time so easily.   I use this ALL the time.

    I love the channel layouts.  When I have the time to get them built, I use them to work with visiting LD's (some who don't speak the same language as I do, but they can point), and to pre-program off-line.  Channel database is fabulous.  I just recently worked out the procedure to get a Lightwright ASCII patch imported into Congo.  So, now when my paperwork is done, so is my patch and channel database.

    BTW, Congo and Congo Jr. depending on the venue.  The switch is a little weird while you instintively reach to a particular area for something that is now on the other side of the console.  If you use the Congo Jr. Wing, I get into the habit of always going back to my color page of direct selects before switching it back to masters mode.

    Take care,


  • Hello,

    John Palmer

    I am based in Los Angeles, California.

    I work in theatre, concerts, and a very little bit of broadcast.

    I use the Congo features depending on the show that I am programming.  Theatre show with rehearsal...sequence on the main playback groups loaded to masters to speed programming.  Concerts are a mix of prebuilt generic sequences and then using masters for everything.  My favorite feature is doing on the fly color changes to a different palette in a time so easily.   I use this ALL the time.

    I love the channel layouts.  When I have the time to get them built, I use them to work with visiting LD's (some who don't speak the same language as I do, but they can point), and to pre-program off-line.  Channel database is fabulous.  I just recently worked out the procedure to get a Lightwright ASCII patch imported into Congo.  So, now when my paperwork is done, so is my patch and channel database.

    BTW, Congo and Congo Jr. depending on the venue.  The switch is a little weird while you instintively reach to a particular area for something that is now on the other side of the console.  If you use the Congo Jr. Wing, I get into the habit of always going back to my color page of direct selects before switching it back to masters mode.

    Take care,


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