Congo JR Language

I heard that the language for the congo jr is a different from other etc consoles.  I have used the Expression before and just wanted to know how different it is from the Congo.  Just trying to figure out the learning curve on it that is all. 

  • It's called RPN - Reverse Polish Notation.  It's the same language that older TI calculators use.


    The biggest stumbling block on the learning curve is really your attitude.  I have been programming on Express/ion consoles for around 10 years when I first touched a Congo.  I picked it up in about 20 minutes and was programming faster on the Congo in about 2 hours.  You have to kind of let go of what you knew from the older desks and embrace the new one.  If you can do that, you will be just fine.  If you kind of stick your head in the sand and say, "I'm not going to like this or learn it" then you won't.


    just my .02.

    Keep the change.....


  • It's called RPN - Reverse Polish Notation.  It's the same language that older TI calculators use.


    The biggest stumbling block on the learning curve is really your attitude.  I have been programming on Express/ion consoles for around 10 years when I first touched a Congo.  I picked it up in about 20 minutes and was programming faster on the Congo in about 2 hours.  You have to kind of let go of what you knew from the older desks and embrace the new one.  If you can do that, you will be just fine.  If you kind of stick your head in the sand and say, "I'm not going to like this or learn it" then you won't.


    just my .02.

    Keep the change.....


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