Congo JR Language

I heard that the language for the congo jr is a different from other etc consoles.  I have used the Expression before and just wanted to know how different it is from the Congo.  Just trying to figure out the learning curve on it that is all. 

  • You can set Congo do work in @mode as well. The only thing that changes then is the way you call up channels. Instead of typing 1[Ch] 15[Through] 60@ you type as you are used to call up channels.
    I prefer @mode when I am programming with an LD. For clean up or programming without LD it switch back into @mode.

    From v5 on the mode is set in the Shell. From the hartbeat screen go to System preferences and tick or untick the box [At Mode]

    I hope that helps...


    [edited by: FloBaeumler at 3:51 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Feb 17 2009]
  • I agree that learning the Congo syntax can seem a bit daunting but isn't that bad once you get into it.  The basic premise is that a number is typed first and then you define what that number means.  So to bring up channel 5 to full you type 5 [Ch] 100 [level] (as opposed to [Ch] 5 [at] 100 [Enter])  It seems a little more complicated to select multiple channels.  5 thru 10 at full is 5 [Ch] 10 [thru] 100 [level].  What's really nice is that you have the channels selected before you enter a level and can make changes to your selection.  Say you decided you didn't really want Ch 7, you just type [-] 7, and your other channels are still selected.  Adding channels works the same way, [+] 12.

    We leave our Congo in RPN all the time.  We find that @mode becomes more confusing because while channel selection works more like other ETC consoles some of the other functions are still in RPN.  We find it best to just stick with the RPN and not have to remember which functions work which way.  You may decide otherwise.  All of our shows involve an LD and a programmer.

    The one problem I have is that we have two theaters in our venue, one with a Congo one with an Obsession II.  I often have to work on both console and frequently find myself mistyping on the Obsession now.  I much prefer the Congo and find it much faster.

    Hope that helps,

  • I agree that learning the Congo syntax can seem a bit daunting but isn't that bad once you get into it.  The basic premise is that a number is typed first and then you define what that number means.  So to bring up channel 5 to full you type 5 [Ch] 100 [level] (as opposed to [Ch] 5 [at] 100 [Enter])  It seems a little more complicated to select multiple channels.  5 thru 10 at full is 5 [Ch] 10 [thru] 100 [level].  What's really nice is that you have the channels selected before you enter a level and can make changes to your selection.  Say you decided you didn't really want Ch 7, you just type [-] 7, and your other channels are still selected.  Adding channels works the same way, [+] 12.

    We leave our Congo in RPN all the time.  We find that @mode becomes more confusing because while channel selection works more like other ETC consoles some of the other functions are still in RPN.  We find it best to just stick with the RPN and not have to remember which functions work which way.  You may decide otherwise.  All of our shows involve an LD and a programmer.

    The one problem I have is that we have two theaters in our venue, one with a Congo one with an Obsession II.  I often have to work on both console and frequently find myself mistyping on the Obsession now.  I much prefer the Congo and find it much faster.

    Hope that helps,

  • Mat said:
    So to bring up channel 5 to full you type 5 [Ch] 100 [level] (as opposed to [Ch] 5 [at] 100 [Enter]) 

    Another way to do this is 5 [CH] [@LEVEL] [@LEVEL].  The first [@LEVEL] will bring the channel to the default level (changed via [SETUP]) the second press of [@LEVEL] will bring the channel to full.  I usually tap the button so fast that nobody notices the brief stint of the lower percentage.

    I second the RPN all the time feeling.  I tried the AT MODE for about 15 minutes when I first started working with the Congo offline.

    Take care,


  • I just type 5 and roll the wheel up.  One keystroke, one swish of the hand!
