Effect Rate parameter on Master Fader

Hi All,

I am wondering how to control Rate parameter of 13 Smooth Dynamic Dimmer Effect. I would like to have it under master fader. I assigned Pm172 "Rate*" under master, but it does not change the Rate value.

Is it possible in Congo to have two independent faders:

 - first for intensity of the effect and starting it

 - second to adjust effect rate

If not, maybe there is another handy way to control the Rate value?

Many thanks for any ideas.


  • You should be able to control the intensity of the effect by just loading it to a Master [13] [EFFECT]&[MASTER KEY]

    And you can load a paramater to a master also [WHEEL KEY]&[MASTER KEY]

    Check me on that someone.


  • "You should be able to control the intensity of the effect by just loading it to a Master [13] [EFFECT]&[MASTER KEY]" - Agree, works

    "And you can load a paramater to a master also [WHEEL KEY]&[MASTER KEY]" - I did it as written above, but it does not change the rate ;-/

    Is it possible?

  • Hi Adam -

    Did you first select the effect playback? When a parameter is assigned to a master, it's the same as using the wheel.

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Sarah,

    "Did you first select the effect playback?" - I selected effect playback, but still Rate on Master Fader does not change anything.

    "When a parameter is assigned to a master, it's the same as using the wheel" - Resolution of Master fader - probably it is 0..255? Rate parameter on wheel has a range of: 0..1000. How then the Rate parameter is controlled by Master Fader.

    How to enable Effect Rate parameter on Fader ;-) ?



  • Hi,

    I think there is a limitation on how some of the special parameter types (like Rate) are handled when assigned to a physical fader. This might be improved in future software versions.

  • Hi all, I have no problem to assign rate and size parameters to masters, but their behaviour is really annoying me : when a dyn effect is selected and leveled up (with joystick or master, it doesn't matter), there is no way to level up rate or size masters to "reach" their actual value inside the effect and then take control of it. Let's say rate is 20% inside the effect, and rate master was 90% before selecting the effect pb. As soon as I touch the rate master, my smooth and quiet circle dyn effect jumps to a heavy metal type of behaviour. Is there a way that ALL parameters assigned to masters are disabled until their value on the master pb is equal to the actual value of the selected device(s)?

    Does that make sense? for exemple, parameters assigned to masters would behave the same way we use master faders to "catch" and take control when the same master has been leveled up by a software command (like master link or start key)

    We were talking about size and rate parameters, but do all parameters assignments to masters act like this? I haven't tried yet, but I guess they do, so it would be really useful to change this behavior.

    Thanks for reading my poor english, I hope it was clear enough.


    Good night



  • Hi Stephan,

    The problem with your suggested behavior is that as soon as you have selected more than one device and they have different values, it isn't possible to match. This is why we have designed the parameter faders in such a way that they will always take control immediately.

    This is also consistent to how parameters work in general (Latest Action takes Precedence).

  • Thanks for your answer Anders.

    I totally understand what you mean. So would it be possible to set the 50% value of the rate or size master as a "middle point" that we would have to reach on the first time without changing the behavior of the dynamics, and then, as we are on the 50% value, we could take control over the parameters, on a relative or absolute basis, even though rate or size parameters are different on several devices/groups (which would be rare in the case of a dyn effect playback that can contain only one group/set with only one size/rate value). 

    So, if rate value is 300 (I am assuming rate goes from 0 to 1000), 300 would be the middle point (50%). I am not really into software programming, but it could behave like this :

    If there are several different values on the selected channels, maybe each value could behave like this, but I guess it is getting more complex. I am just trying to figue out how changing rate/size values of dyn effects without having these value "jumps" when you move the master fader. the 50% position of the master would become a point you MUST reach in order to change the parameters. I think it would be a nice way to edit these parameters "on the fly".

    I hope I didn't just repeat myself, I just wanted to share this idea and move forward to solve this issue.

    Have a nice week, all of you Congo users and makers!



  • Hi,

    I understand what you mean. However, the idea with the parameter faders is that they are absolute, not relative. Since you have the wheels, that are always relative, we wanted to provide another way to control the parameters, where you always get immediate control and where the fader value is directly mapped to the parameter value in a linear way.

    This gives you the possibility to always know by the physical position of the fader where a parameter is.

    Your request has been noted. However, currently, we have no plans to change this.

  • Hi,

    I understand what you mean. However, the idea with the parameter faders is that they are absolute, not relative. Since you have the wheels, that are always relative, we wanted to provide another way to control the parameters, where you always get immediate control and where the fader value is directly mapped to the parameter value in a linear way.

    This gives you the possibility to always know by the physical position of the fader where a parameter is.

    Your request has been noted. However, currently, we have no plans to change this.
