upgrade code

Help! I'm a newbie trying to dwonload Congo Jr 5.1 on my 4.3.3 system. I've renamed the exe file, put it in the  software folder on the flash drive. When I boot up and go to settings, my only choice is "please enter your upgrade code here." I cannot find any documentation pertaining to an "upgrade code" in either the pdfs or the on screen help menu. What the hell is it, where can I find it, and will that allow me to download 5.1?

  • LCA,

    You are not the first person to be confused by "Software Update" vs "Upgrade".  Upgrade is where you increase the number of outputs the desk can control.  This requires purchasing an upgrade from your ETC Dealer at which time you will receive an upgrade code to unlock additional outputs.  Software Update on the other hand is free (thank you ETC) and is done by following these instructions from the software release note http://www.etcconnect.com/docs/docs_downloads/relnotes/Congo_v5.1.0_RelNote_revA.pdf.

    Congo/Congo jr Console & Congo Light Server and Net3 RVI, running v4.3.4 software
    or older
    Step 1: Download the Congo510.zip file from the Services section of www.etcconnect.com.
    Step 2: Unzip the software, rename the Congo510.exe file to "Congo.exe" and place the
    renamed file on your USB flash drive in a folder named SOFTWARE.
    Step 3: Connect the USB memory stick to the console.
    Step 4: Start the console and arrow over to the System Settings option and press MODIFY.
    Step 5: Using the trackball or an attached mouse, click the SOFTWARE UPDATE button in
    the Settings dialog. This will run the installer.
    Step 6: In the Installer, click the NEXT button at each step. Note: If you are reinstalling
    Congo, click the Repair option at the beginning of the installation process.
    Step 7: Click the FINISH button at the end of the installation process. The console will

    I just re-installed Congo 4.3.3 on my laptop to check, and it should be a button to the left of the upgrade button in the system settings display.  If you are still having trouble post again.


  • Mark;

    Thanks. Evidently I didn't have the file properly installed on the flash drive, because the software update button was not active. It looks like it installed the update correctly.

    I really appreciate your quick response; you saved me quite a bit of money. I won't drink nearly as much at the bar tonight to drown my sorrows!
