Congo 5.1 offline

Hi everyone

I've got some problems and questions about V5.1

I try to use the V.5.1 on 2 differents computers with Vista and I've got some problems.

On the laptop we can't see nothing on the differents tabs that I open like for insteace on the Live Tab I don't see any numbers only white squares. On the top left corner where normally we see the name of the show that we are working appears some white squares and some letters that was suposed not be there.

On the desktop I can't open the Congo offline. First on the lower box appears "Multiple IP addresses detected! Please select one in system settings" and after I choose one of the IP, cause if it's in Automatic it appears the warning, I click on the offline and appears one of the 2 boxes. 

"IPX NOT installed?

Some IPX sockets could not be initialized

Maybe IPX isn't istalled"  or

"you current show has been saved..." you know the rest os this box cause it says that as saved a congo.dmp file.

I need to do some work at home for a show that as is openning on the 5th of this month and it's bad for me cause if I don't do that at home I will stay on the theatre more time that I really need.


The problem with the CONGO console with V5.1 it's with the live atributtes. I'm working with some ETC REVOLUTION and normally I use the Live Attributes tab to see the position of the Revolutions and normally when I change something I see the numbers changing. Now with V5.1 if I wan't to see those numbers changing I've got to open and close the Blind Tab and only if I do that I can see the numbers or positions changing. It's very anoying cause sometimes I forgot to open and close the Blind Tab. On the Live Attributes Tab on the top left corner it says Blind attributes and after the open and close the Blind tab it says Live attributes. After I record a preset or select some channels or do anything the Live Attributes tab goes to Blind again. Is it from the console or I do something wrong???


Pedro Alves


P.S.: I almost forgot saying that this 5.1 it's fantastic to work and I'm waiting for the 6



  • Hi Pedro,

    Regarding Congo on Vista: Some graphic drivers in Vista has problems (not only with Congo but with other applciations as well). Try to upgrade to the latest graphic driver. It might help.

    IPX problem: You should turn off the AVAB IPX output protocol in the System Settings dialog.

    You can probably keep the IP address setting to Automatic if you want since you are not communicating with other Congo systems over the network when running in offline.

    Regarding live attributes: It should work in the same vway as in v5.0. However, there is a setting called "Blind Ethernet output" (or similar) that will activate the behavior you are seeing.

    P.S. I am glad you like v5.1. I think you'll like v6 as well. It contains many improvements.

  • Hi Pedro,

    Regarding Congo on Vista: Some graphic drivers in Vista has problems (not only with Congo but with other applciations as well). Try to upgrade to the latest graphic driver. It might help.

    IPX problem: You should turn off the AVAB IPX output protocol in the System Settings dialog.

    You can probably keep the IP address setting to Automatic if you want since you are not communicating with other Congo systems over the network when running in offline.

    Regarding live attributes: It should work in the same vway as in v5.0. However, there is a setting called "Blind Ethernet output" (or similar) that will activate the behavior you are seeing.

    P.S. I am glad you like v5.1. I think you'll like v6 as well. It contains many improvements.

  • Windows Vista doesn't support IPX at all - Microsoft have apparently decided to deprecate this protocol.

    When configuring Congo Offline to connect to a visualiser such as Capture Polar or WYSIWYG, make sure you only turn on the DMX over Ethernet protocol you intend to use.

    This would usually be ETCNet2 (EDMX) or Streaming ACN.

    The WYSIWYG driver for Congo is only intended for Windows XP - under Vista, use ETCNet2 (EDMX)
