Congo - Channel numbers vs Presets


I patch my Fixtures to channels in a range of 1..20. I Recorded Presets for these moving heads (let say programmed a show). Then I realize I need to move my fixtures to channel numbers from a range of 101..121, because I forgot there are 100 dimmers in installation, and theatre people need to have them from 1..100. I moved channels, changing channel numbers in ‘Device List’ tab. But recorded Presets still were referring to channels from range 1..20. Is it possible that Recorded Presets will follow moved channels (fixtures)? If it is described in Manual, please give a page I will read about it.


  • Hi Adam,

    I can't think of an easy way to do this.  Is it possible to patch the dimmers 1..100 to different channels in the softpatch.  I know that many people like to keep the patch 1:1 with dimmers, but if you patched them sequentially and just started at channel 101..200, it would be as simple as adding 100 to get the channel number from the dimmer.

    If you must repatch, then I would suggest before working with the dimmers that you patch a duplicate set of devices to the new channels and then go through the presets and use [Align] + [Focus][Color][Beam] and then rerecord the presets so that you don't lose your programming info.

    Take care,


  • Hi Adam,

    I can't think of an easy way to do this.  Is it possible to patch the dimmers 1..100 to different channels in the softpatch.  I know that many people like to keep the patch 1:1 with dimmers, but if you patched them sequentially and just started at channel 101..200, it would be as simple as adding 100 to get the channel number from the dimmer.

    If you must repatch, then I would suggest before working with the dimmers that you patch a duplicate set of devices to the new channels and then go through the presets and use [Align] + [Focus][Color][Beam] and then rerecord the presets so that you don't lose your programming info.

    Take care,


  • I am not quite sure of this... but it may be worth the try :

    - can the "name" function in the channel list solve this issue? i think it is the last column in the channel list.

    - the channel wizard can copy intensity levels from one channel to another in all presets. does it copy attributes as well? 


    right now i am not in front of my congo, so I can't try this, I am just giving hints away... Good luck anyways



