Congo - Channel numbers vs Presets


I patch my Fixtures to channels in a range of 1..20. I Recorded Presets for these moving heads (let say programmed a show). Then I realize I need to move my fixtures to channel numbers from a range of 101..121, because I forgot there are 100 dimmers in installation, and theatre people need to have them from 1..100. I moved channels, changing channel numbers in ‘Device List’ tab. But recorded Presets still were referring to channels from range 1..20. Is it possible that Recorded Presets will follow moved channels (fixtures)? If it is described in Manual, please give a page I will read about it.


  • Do not repatch the channels, rename them instead. The rename function allows you to keep the patch intact, but display the channels in Live and in editors using the new "name". You can rename channels in bulk in the channel list, but note that you cannot give two or more channels the same name. Also, if a name is already in use, you'll need to rename that channel to zero before being able to assign that name somewhere else. Make sense?

    Thanks much -


  • Do not repatch the channels, rename them instead. The rename function allows you to keep the patch intact, but display the channels in Live and in editors using the new "name". You can rename channels in bulk in the channel list, but note that you cannot give two or more channels the same name. Also, if a name is already in use, you'll need to rename that channel to zero before being able to assign that name somewhere else. Make sense?

    Thanks much -


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