Chase functionality

Hi all!


I've got a question about sequences/chases...


I often have to busk shows on our Congo (V5), so try to make use of chases, but I can't seem to get them to work how I want.


I press SEQ and then go in and make my sequence, setting levels, and making the presets. But I am a bit confussed. What is the difference between a Sequence and a chase?


I use the chase setting, and pop the chase into a master playback, and have seen that I can use the connect and tap function to tap out a bpm for the chase. But, is it possible to just step the chase manualy? If I try to use the play button, or the forward button on the connect area, the chase just continues to run. I want it to go to the next step, and then stop and wait for my next press.


I've come from busking shows on a Pearl, and tho I can do almost everything that I used to be able to do, it still frustrates me how little live control I have over chases.


On a pearl I could have just 2 or three chases and just play with them live to get them to work exactly how I want at that moment.


For example, if I programmed a chase that would step through all the colours of my par cans, I could have that chase running fast, slow, to a tapped beat, on a maual tap, stepping, crossfading - all with just one chase! And all the changes could be made extremely quickly using the 2 wheels and the connect section. Congo doesn't seem to be able to compete in this regard.


So one chase could work for all speeds and styles of song, for a particular group of fixtures/generics. If I was really pushed for time, all I had to do was create a 1 parcan chase, and one intensity chase across my movers, and these would suffice for everything. It was also ridiculously quick to programme.


What I (we) need is to be able to connect a chase and then use two of the encoder wheels to control the speed and cross fade of the chase, just like on a Pearl. We could even have to ability to hold down the encoder wheel button (above it) and then dump that parameter into a playback master. Also we need to be able to manually step the chase in time with the music (not set a bpm as currently happens).


So, to elaborate, maybe one encoder wheel could control the BPM (speed) of the chase, while the other controls how much of that time is spent fading between steps. Maybe we could even use the encoder button to tap out a BPM and then use the actual 't'ap' button in order to manually advance the chase.


Any thoughts on adding this functionality to V6?


Thanks for your thoughts, I hope I explained it clearly enough.



  • The difference between a 'Chase' and a 'Normal' Sequence is that Chase Sequences run automatically with a default zero wait-time and auto-loop at the end.

    If you want a Sequence Chase that waits for a 'Go' (either the [>] key when connected or the grey Master Key on the Master), then change the mode to Normal.

    If you want the same Sequence but with slightly different settings, you can copy and paste them wholesale in the Sequences List:

    • [Seq]
    • Select chosen Sequence
    • [Copy]
    • #, [Paste]
    • #, [Paste] (repeat as many times as you want)

    Finally, have you looked at Chase Effect Playbacks, and the rest of the Congo v5 Effect system?

    These are exactly what you're looking for, and are far more buskable than any other console effect system I'm aware of.

    [edited by: Richard at 8:22 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Mar 7 2009]
  • I've looked at the V5 effects, and I like the concept of effects being like a moving light, and think there are some interesting possibilities with this, but for me, the chase function just seems a little useless.

    There's no buskability to it, but maybe I'm missing something. I dont like the way I have to use a wizzard to initially set the chase up with some 'dummy' channels (maybe there's another way?), but once an n step chase is created, I like how easy it is to edit the channels included in each step, just by pressing the grey button above a submaster.


    However, once the chase is created, I can bring up the intenstity and watch it run, but the only parameters I seem to get on the wheels are Chase, and Rate. That's not very buskable now is it? So I can't even change the parameters such as direction (forward, backward, bounce, random, build, negative etc... ) or Cross fase.

    I think that the V5 effects chases, and the old 'sequences' way of doing it, are potentially both very powerfull, and can create very intricate chases with various complex timings and so on, but seriously, all I want is to be able to make a 4 step chase, with 4 groups, that I can tap to a beat, and change between stepping and crossfading. Lets get the simple, easy stuff working 1st?!

    I'm interested in any feedback you guys may have, and perhaps I'm doing it completley wrong. Also, maybe V6 will do what I need, but from the release notes, I don't see anything new?


    [edited by: DGTSteve at 5:42 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Mar 3 2010]
  • The Chase Effect Playback is a very quick and easy-to-use Effect Playback, simplified to the core settings that many people use. So it's a great way to start learning the Congo Effects system.

    When you want to produce more complex effects, there are some other kinds of Effect Playback that offer more options: Dynamic Effect Playback and Content Effect Playbacks. v6 adds Image Effect Playbacks for simple pixelmapping.

    The Content Effect type of Effect Playback does offer the extra flexibility you're looking for - this has timing and playback mode attributes on the Encoders, plus a host of other options.

    Content Effects are also not limited to Intensity only - you can create Content Effect "Series" that takes information from anywhere - Palettes, Presets and absolute data.

    Sarah has previously posted a Content Effects Tutorial that you may find useful.

  • Ok, I understand what the content effect is, and I like the idea. I get that I can create a colour chase for movers, and then apply that colour chase to any group of movers. I like it. I read the tutorials, and they are ok, but nothing seems to address my rather simple, and I'm sure, far from unique situation.

    So, I must be missing something. I will explain my situation, and then maybe someone can offer some assistance.

    I have 4 groups, red, amber, blue, pink. The groups contain chanel data for generic channels. Each group has a different number of channels in it. I want to make a simple, buskable chase from these groups.

    Now, how do I do that? It's a pretty simple concept, and one which should be right at the very start of a light desk, as I'm sure there are many users, like myself, with large generic rigs, who want to busk a few chases in time to the music. That's before we move onto the more complex, and I'm sure, powerfull and impressive chases, and content effects.

    I just want to busk 4 groups of channels in time to the music, with an adjustable slope. My (very) old Sirrius 48 did this, with ease, and very quickly! As did my previous desk, an Avo Pearl. Can Congo rise to the challenge?

    Please help me with this, 'cos I've not got much hair, and I'm pulling the res of it out over this simple issue.


  • Hi

    If i understand this correctly, you want to be able to control the speed and locks on your chase. I think you really should try to use the content effects playback for this one. One of the many nice things about the Content effects are that you are able to control so many time parameters, you can tap, control in and out time, change the loop time and pause if you want to. You can use your groups and presets so you dont have to program anything new. 
    And maybe this link will answer some of your questions

  • Um, no, I think you missunderstand. There was nothing usefull to me in that post.

    I'm not interested in master links. And, as stated in my previous post, I have looked at content effects, but can't see how they can be run across generic channels in the way that I want.

    Please re-read my post. I just want a SIMPLE rock n roll style chase, that I can programm quickly and easily program using 4 groups of generic channels. I need to be able to bring this chase up on one of the 40 playback masters, and somehow control it's speed, and cross fade between steps live.

    Think simply people!

    Many thanks to anyone who can restore my faith in this desk, and show me how this is done!




  • I have tried to answer this twice now, and the forums have not been kind to me today.

    Let me see if I can help out here...

    First, let me say that Congo is not designed as a rock-n-roll console first, rather as a flexible system with features that make it useful in many different types of situations. What you see as a basic chase can be accomplished in a number of ways, however not all of your requirements are satisfied by a single solution.

    Having said that, the Content Effect is the most "buskable" effect in Congo. To control the channels in the way you want you will need to create a channel set containing the channels from each group in a single part. This is the object we use for such a customized channel list in a single effect. Then you can use the Intensity series to provide the on-off data, and then play with the timings on the U3 page of encoders to get the basic chase you need. Once set up, select the effect playback and record it to a preset on a master. The fader of that master will control the overall intensity output of that effect, and you can use the master key to select the contents of the preset (the effect playback in this case) so that you can change parameters of that effect like tapping in a rate or adjusting fade times on the fly.

    Or you can write a good old fashioned chase sequence, basically a cue list set to loop automatically, assign it to a master and connect it to the Master Playback controls so you can pause and restart the chase and change its running direction. I would make copies of this basic sequence with relative (%) fade times within so that I could adjust a bunch of chases on the fly using Master Page Time.

    The weak point in all of this is that we don't have a good way for you to manually step through your chase, fading each step in as you go. This is an area for improvement and we will consider this in a future software release.

    The concepts I mention above are described in more detail in the help system. I would suggest choosing one as a starting point (if you're going to go with a chase sequence though, load an empty sequence onto the main playback, then use the Build mode to help make that sequence faster (one preset containing the channels/intensity of one group, for as many groups as you have), then go into the Sequence list and set it to Chase mode.) To search the help system for any of these terms, press the ? key to open help, then press the TEXT key and type in what you're looking for. It should lead you to results describing the important bits.

    I hope this has helped a bit - sorry it's taken so long to get something to post correctly here.

    Thanks -


    [edited by: sclausen at 5:40 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 9 2010]
  • I have tried to answer this twice now, and the forums have not been kind to me today.

    Let me see if I can help out here...

    First, let me say that Congo is not designed as a rock-n-roll console first, rather as a flexible system with features that make it useful in many different types of situations. What you see as a basic chase can be accomplished in a number of ways, however not all of your requirements are satisfied by a single solution.

    Having said that, the Content Effect is the most "buskable" effect in Congo. To control the channels in the way you want you will need to create a channel set containing the channels from each group in a single part. This is the object we use for such a customized channel list in a single effect. Then you can use the Intensity series to provide the on-off data, and then play with the timings on the U3 page of encoders to get the basic chase you need. Once set up, select the effect playback and record it to a preset on a master. The fader of that master will control the overall intensity output of that effect, and you can use the master key to select the contents of the preset (the effect playback in this case) so that you can change parameters of that effect like tapping in a rate or adjusting fade times on the fly.

    Or you can write a good old fashioned chase sequence, basically a cue list set to loop automatically, assign it to a master and connect it to the Master Playback controls so you can pause and restart the chase and change its running direction. I would make copies of this basic sequence with relative (%) fade times within so that I could adjust a bunch of chases on the fly using Master Page Time.

    The weak point in all of this is that we don't have a good way for you to manually step through your chase, fading each step in as you go. This is an area for improvement and we will consider this in a future software release.

    The concepts I mention above are described in more detail in the help system. I would suggest choosing one as a starting point (if you're going to go with a chase sequence though, load an empty sequence onto the main playback, then use the Build mode to help make that sequence faster (one preset containing the channels/intensity of one group, for as many groups as you have), then go into the Sequence list and set it to Chase mode.) To search the help system for any of these terms, press the ? key to open help, then press the TEXT key and type in what you're looking for. It should lead you to results describing the important bits.

    I hope this has helped a bit - sorry it's taken so long to get something to post correctly here.

    Thanks -


    [edited by: sclausen at 5:40 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 9 2010]
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