Table/Range issue in device template

Hello there,

i can't figure out how manage tables in templates.

Let's say i have a ClayPaki Golden Spot 1200. Channel 4 is Dimmer/Strobe. 0%-50% is intensity, 51%-95% is Strobe, from slow to fast, and 95%-100% is Open. Am i supposed to create ranges first? or tables? i see in the table tab that you can select on a contextual menu ranges that have already been made on the range tab, but it seems not to work. In another way, should I create 2 different parameters (intensity and strobe) with the same DMX channel number and then create ranges for each one? 
  • Hi there,

    If you know the range of your fixture then I would delete the ranges that congo have made for you and input your own, Ive done this with a few of my fixtures just makes it easier as you know what you want in the Direct select keys.

    As makeing 2 parameters I dont know why you need to as you can only use 1 at a time if they are on the same DMX address Int or strobe.

    This is only my 2 pence worth, if it works for you then leave it your way.



  • Thank you for answering Carlos.

    The problem is that it is about the INTENSITY parameter, which is not an attribute. So ranges won't work for this parameter, because i can't call intensity parameter with the FCB function on the LCD for example. I am trying to find a way to split channel 4 into 2 different parameters, one would be usual intensity, the second would be Beam parameter (strobe).

    i am a newbie using ML, and i found several devices acting that way, so how do you people fix that issue? The only way I've found so far is assign strobe values (as intensities) on masters, but this way i can't manage which devices I want to control by selection.

  • OOOOooo OK I had this problem with my pixelines, all I did was to change my Int to Beam in the Parameter editor,The only problem this gave me was when I wanted to change the Int time it changed the Beam times as well, I then had to do this with indervidual times in the editor.

    This gives you the Int on beam button then you can set ranges this way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope this makes sence.


