Congo Jr Playback issue

Hi again,

Now, I'm probably doing something really stupid but...

 I have a Sequence loaded to my playback. Hitting 'Go' or using the crossfaders advances the Sequence, which is good, but I wanted to dip my active file by pulling down the 'A' fader and nothing happened ! -The cahnnels are shown in 'Live' as being at their present values. They aren't on anywhere else (if I clear the Playback, it goes dark). The Grand Master does pull the level down but I'm really puzzled as to why I can't dip the level of my active sequence step with the 'A' fader !?

 Answers on a postcard ?



  • That would be because the AB fader pair is for manual crossfade playback - they aren't 'Masters' like on a dual-preset console.

    The default state is that crossfades happen when the AB faders are taken from the bottom to the top, and nothing happens when they are brought back down to the bottom (allowing the operator to do something when told to 'Standby') - you can set it so that crossfades happen in both directions if preferred.

    The A fader controls all channels that are fading DOWN into the next cue, and the B fader controls all channels that are fading UP - the Main Playback display reminds you of this as the A bubble travels down the line while the B bubble travels upwards.

    I think the easiest way to do what you are after would be to hit [All] once to select all the channels with a level from the Main Playback/keypad, then use the Level wheel to fade them down in proportion.
    - If required, you could then hit [Update][Update] to record these new levels into the preset, or hit # [Record] to store them as a new preset.

    Hitting [All] twice will select everything that has a level, whether from Masters or Playback.

    Hope that helps! 

  • That would be because the AB fader pair is for manual crossfade playback - they aren't 'Masters' like on a dual-preset console.

    The default state is that crossfades happen when the AB faders are taken from the bottom to the top, and nothing happens when they are brought back down to the bottom (allowing the operator to do something when told to 'Standby') - you can set it so that crossfades happen in both directions if preferred.

    The A fader controls all channels that are fading DOWN into the next cue, and the B fader controls all channels that are fading UP - the Main Playback display reminds you of this as the A bubble travels down the line while the B bubble travels upwards.

    I think the easiest way to do what you are after would be to hit [All] once to select all the channels with a level from the Main Playback/keypad, then use the Level wheel to fade them down in proportion.
    - If required, you could then hit [Update][Update] to record these new levels into the preset, or hit # [Record] to store them as a new preset.

    Hitting [All] twice will select everything that has a level, whether from Masters or Playback.

    Hope that helps! 

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