2 Questions about editing devices in Track List

I'm cleaning up a show file today, and I have some questions about how attribute editing works in Track List.


1) When deleting unneeded attribute values, I notice I cannot use DELETE in a cell unless the intensity column is visible--whether or not there is an intensity recorded. So, for example, I cannot delete device 701's redundant Pan or Tilt attributes unless the 701 (channel intensity) column is toggled on. Seems weird to me.

2) This has probably been addressed, but I can't find it: my presets in this show have been recorded using All Palettes with color masked, and Color Palettes. That's basically what I've been editing and/or deleting. Simply pressing MODIFY in a cell offers me a menu of either All Palette or Color Palettes to choose from, which is a little slow but OK. Quicker is to type Palette info directly into the cell, i.e. # MODIFY where # is the All Palette number. Is there a syntax that will let me do this for Color Palettes? # MODIFY doesn't work for cells referencing Color Palettes as I would have expected.

I guess I'm unclear about how Congo decides what palette options to offer when in Track List. Based on what's recorded in the Preset? Why, sometimes, when I press MODIFY in a cell, it offers me a blanked out dropdown menu I have to ESCAPE out of?

  • Hi Anne - Quick reply on the color palette thing - # MODIFY should apply the current palette type to that cell - so if you have a color palette applied, # MODIFY should apply another color palette to that cell. Switching palette types is a bit more difficult, though, so I suggest making your edits "live" ( or in freeze if you want to keep the rig static). Make sense?




  • That's what I thought should happen, but for Color Palettes it didn't work for me. # MODIFY gave me an error beep when used in a Color Palette-referencing cell. [It also gave me an error message that completely escapes my memory right now: something like "value out of range" but that's not quite it.]


    How, er, much more difficult is it to switch palette types?



  • I guess that you had an absolute value in the cell before. Then the Congo couldn't find out which palette type to use and used the All Palette list instead. This will be improved in v6.

    Regarding switching palettes type: We are thinking about different ways to do this. Most likely, you will given a list of both the relevant FCB palettes and the All Palettes.

    [edited by: Anders Ekvall at 5:11 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Apr 6 2009]