Update Focus/colour or beam Pallette

Can someone please tell me how to update focus/colour/beam pallette once you have made a change to an existing one?

  • There are two main ways for color and beam pallettes and a third method for focus palettes.

    First, are the palettes recorded "by device" or "by device type".  I usually record color palettes and most of my beam palettes "by device".  Focus palettes are most often "by device type".

    If you want to change a color or beam palette, select a fixture (or all fixtures that need to be changed if the palette is recorded by device), select the palette to change, make the change, re-record the palette.  A window will pop-up with the palette name, "by device" (or "by device type") in a drop down box, and another drop down box with the option to "merge with existing" or "replace existing".  Press Modify.

    If you are in a preset and you make a change to one of the palettes that you use, you can press the softkey for "update palette".  It will open up a window to show you what palette(s) will be updated.  I don't use this option very often, unless I have changed only one palette.  I have never experimented with how good the updating of multiple palettes works.  I usually just select the fixtures and re-record the palettes and then update the preset.

    The third method which is for use with focus palettes is to go into "focus mode" which is a softkey.  This will put you in hilight mode.  The trackball can be used to select which focus palette you want to change (left click activates it), all fixtures recorded into that focus palette will focus on the position, next/last through the fixtures making the changes you want, when all fixtures have been refocused, press the softkey for update palette.  The palette will be updated and the list will advance to the next focus palette.  Left click to select and  "Lather, Rinse, Repeat".  This process is more involved on a Congo Jr, and I usually don't employ it on the Jr. YMMV

    Hope this helps!


  • JPALMERLD said:

    If you are in a preset and you make a change to one of the palettes that you use, you can press the softkey for "update palette".  It will open up a window to show you what palette(s) will be updated.  I don't use this option very often, unless I have changed only one palette.  I have never experimented with how good the updating of multiple palettes works.  I usually just select the fixtures and re-record the palettes and then update the preset.



    I do this quite a lot, and it works very well providing you are paying careful attention to how many palettes you were referencing when you started changing things, and how many of them you actually want to change. My typical error is in wanting to update an All Palette while the fixtures using it are also in a Color Palette, and the popup will offer to change both of them, of course. Slap self in forehead, ESC out of popup, Mask Color, then hit Update Palette again. Clearing changed flags before updating may also benefit here, though I haven't explored it carefully--doesn't the 'Update Palette' command only reference flagged changes?

    Of course, If you find 'Update Palette' wanting to change Palettes you're not interested in altering, you can always do as John suggests and rerecord with either replace ore merge.

