sorting parameters to palettes

I have already advised ETC by phone of issue with my two mx10 extremes.  In using their template, I have the wrong parameters in the wrong palettes.  Currently, pan and tilt are located in *FOCUS* with everything else in *BEAM*.  As I am somewhat new to movers, how might I best put color in *color* etc, without waiting on ETC to come up with a solution?  (they are thinking that the template is screwy) One thing I find curious is that during the summer I was using one of the mx10 extremes and it have everything in the correct location…what happened? 

  • The MX-10 Extreme is in the Extended library, which is auto-generated from the Eos library. It uses a slightly odd name for the colour wheel, which is why it ends up in the Beam category.

    There's two choices, dependent on whether it's a new show or an existing one.

    For an existing show, go to [Browser] > Patching, Settings and Tools > Parameter Definitions.

    Look for the parameter name "ColorWheel" as used in the template, and change it's "Palette" definition to COLOR. Be careful not to touch any of the other parameters, as this can subtly break your showfile.

    - This will break any existing palettes that used the ColorWheel attribute, but won't affect 'hard values'.

    For new shows, open the Template ([Browser] > Patching > Settings and Tools > Templates) and change "ColorWheel" to read "Color".

    While you have the template open, you should also change Control to Aux1.

    It may be worth changing GoboWheel (4) to Gobo and Gobo (5) to Gobo<>, for consistency with fixtures in the Standard library - Gobo is normally the image select function with Gobo<> being the rotate/index function.

    The second way will delete any values you've previously recorded, so don't do it to an existing show.

    Once you've made these changes, save that show and import your MX10 from that instead of using the Extended library next time you're patching a new show.

  • great.  a followup question if allowed?  In redistributing parameters into differnt palettes, how will this effect dynamic effects?  I have noticed that when trying to run various dynamic effects currently that have anything to do with color, the console does not seem to like it as much...assuming that has something to do with the color parameter being in the beam palette currently.

  • There aren't any standard Dynamic Effects that touch Color (or ColorWheel) attributes, as Dynamic Effects are usually used for continuous-type attributes like Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Pan/Tilt.

    While you could make a new Dynamic Template, I'd recommend making a Content Effect for colour wheels as you've got much more control about which colours (and what order) it uses.

    [edited by: Richard at 8:00 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Apr 3 2009]
  • As an adder to Richard's answer, Dynamic Effects work on parameter names, so if you use an Extended Library template that uses odd parameter naming conventions - like ColorWheel for what we normally would call Color, or Cyan1 instead of Cyan - you can either redefine the existing dynamic template to use that parameter name instead, or better copy that template and then customize it to your needs. You can build or adjust dynamic templates on your own so that they do what you need them to.


    Thanks -

