tap with chase playback effects

can we use the tap to determine a chase sequence in playback effect.  I know you can when you put effects on a master...but what about and effects playback

  • For Chase and Content Effects, there is an attribute called "Tap/Rate"

    • Under U1 for Chase Effects.
    • U3 for Content Effects.
    • Dynamic Effects don't have this attribute as they are continuous instead of having discrete steps.

    For it to work accurately, you'll first need to set the Step Time for the Chase or Series to 1 second so it has the right 'base time' to work from.

    • Select the effect Playback (# [Effect])
    • Now tap the wheel key for the Tap/Rate attribute, and enjoy!


  • problem, I tap the wheel and it just goes to max speed....

  • Do you mean that when tapping the wheel key repeatedly, the Rate parameter changes to a high value? What value can you see on the display?


  • You press the wheel for rate/tap it toggles between full and 0...


    *I tried it on the console again and got it to work...though I must say that it seems to work much better when setting the chase up as a series. 

    [edited by: Dreadpoet at 4:26 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Apr 6 2009]
  • I am a bit unsure about your last post. Does it work as Tap or not?

    If it works now, what caused it to not work before?

    Rate/Tap should not toggle between full and 0 in v5.1. If it does, I would like to know more about the situation.

  • When I originally tried to get the tap to work, I was expecting it to be more intuitive, like when I had set a chase sequence  as a series, put it onto a master playback on the wing, and used the tap/master key.  When it was not as responsive, I was pressing the wheel from one extreme to the other, making it appear as if it were going from nil to mucho.   I “wheel” say this, I have yet to conclude why I would set up the chase as an effect instead of series onto master.  For that matter, dynamic effects often seem easier to be put over to master playback instead of effect playbacks....

  • It sounds like you've missed a few of the key points regarding Congo v5 Effect Playbacks, and we seem to be using different names for some things.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "dynamic effects often seem easier to be put over to master playbacks instead of effect playbacks".

    "Masters" in Congo are basically shortcuts - they don't actually contain anything of themselves.

    An easy example of the difference is that if you clear a Master ([C/Alt] & [Master_Key]), the content is not deleted - only the shortcut is removed.

    If you mean "putting a Sequence in chase mode" onto a Master instead of using a Dynamic Effect Playback, then they are intended for different things.

    Dynamic Effects are relative motion about a base value, where the base can be moved.

    For example, one can use a Dynamic Effect of a circle to make a moving light draw a circle around where it happens to be pointing now. Move the 'base value' to point at a different section of the stage, and the moving light still runs the same circle, but in a completely different part of the stage. The base value can be changed or slowly moved at any time.

    This is impossible without using Dynamic Effects - you could probably build a circle without too much difficulty, but you couldn't move it around!

    Content Effects and Chase Effects allow you to do some other things which would be difficult otherwise - for example, running lots of intensity chases simultaneously or 'subtractive' chases (the lights go out instead of getting brighter) is difficult without Chase Effects, and spreading a colour wheel sequence over a set of fixtures would be very difficult without using a Content Effect.

    However, running a complex, pre-defined sequence with different timing for some steps is much easier using a Sequence in chase mode placed onto a Master than trying to make an equivalent Content Effect Series.

    There are a few tutorials on the forum that you may wish to read through that may explain better what the various effect playbacks can do:

    Chase Effects

    Content Effects

    Dynamic Effects

    [edited by: Richard at 11:02 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Apr 7 2009]
  • would one want to run an entertainment event (dj style) through the effect playback docked at the bottom of the screen?

  • The Effects Dock is a display, much like Live is a display. It shows you if you have inserted effect playbacks into your show. If I were doing an event, I would set up my master playbacks with the content I needed in order to do that show. Effect Playbacks can be directly assigned to masters, however just like assigning a channel to a master, you only get so much - intensity on a fader, intensity on a bump and a selector key. None of the other parameters of the playback are recorded onto that master.

    I would probably set up some basic effects and record them to presets that I would then assign to the masters. This way, I have some "stock" effects, but still have the ability to use the master key to select the effect playback and make manual adjustments. You can also record effect playback parameters to Beam palettes, so you can quickly make changes to effects live.

    I hope this helps -



  • The Effects Dock is a display, much like Live is a display. It shows you if you have inserted effect playbacks into your show. If I were doing an event, I would set up my master playbacks with the content I needed in order to do that show. Effect Playbacks can be directly assigned to masters, however just like assigning a channel to a master, you only get so much - intensity on a fader, intensity on a bump and a selector key. None of the other parameters of the playback are recorded onto that master.

    I would probably set up some basic effects and record them to presets that I would then assign to the masters. This way, I have some "stock" effects, but still have the ability to use the master key to select the effect playback and make manual adjustments. You can also record effect playback parameters to Beam palettes, so you can quickly make changes to effects live.

    I hope this helps -



  • actually, I think that clears up a lot of confusion I have been having with the console...I'll have to play around with it still.  I never got actual training on the board.  I think I'll try to set one up after my current events are done.

  • After having played with chase effect and series in chase mode, this is what I have come up with...I would be more prone to use chase effect if I could put its preset onto a master(which I can), and then be able to use tap and masterkey to set rate on the fly (which I cannot).  I think that this would make it much more buskable...that is why I am choosing to stay with chase series for events.

    [edited by: Dreadpoet at 1:51 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Apr 10 2009]