Naming effects

Hi all,

Im using the effects more and more but now Im having 40+ effects in the dock areaand on masters I would like an easy way to label these to know where is where.

Ive tried an easy logic way of txt the effects playback page ect.....but stil there E1 E2 E3 E4 and so on.

Any one help on this or am I being really thick.


  • If you go to the Effects Playbacks screen (under effects in the browser) you can name the playbacks, which will label them in the effects dock and channel layouts.  Unfortunately, this won't name it on the Master Playbacks, however, since it treats an effect like a putting a channel or unrecorded group on the playback.

  • If you go to the Effects Playbacks screen (under effects in the browser) you can name the playbacks, which will label them in the effects dock and channel layouts.  Unfortunately, this won't name it on the Master Playbacks, however, since it treats an effect like a putting a channel or unrecorded group on the playback.
