Some effects clearing on power up next day you return

Hi all,

im sure someone has said this before but going though the old forum I carnt find anything on this.

I have 40+ effects for a Jazz show and when I return the next day I have to re do SET, GROUP, SERIES, RATE ect. which is a pain.

Anyway around this or am I donig somethng wrong.

Regards Carl


  • Hi Carl -

    You need to record those effects to a preset or a palette in order to keep those configurations. I expect that you're not quite understanding the concept yet (thus the 40+ effect playbacks you mentioned in another post). I recommend taking a look at the v5 effects tutorials in the announcements part of this forum (Overview, Content, Dynamic, and Chase).

    Basically, the effect playback is just like a device channel. What you are seeing on power up is those playbacks in their home positions. If you want to keep configurations for them, record them to presets on masters, or assign them directly to masters and make a bunch of "all" palettes containing the various configurations you need during the show for a more busking style. In the end, you only need multiple effect playbacks of any type if you want to play back multiple effects simultaneously. Otherwise, you can have one playback perform many duties during a single show, just like a moving light may be used in many ways from one preset to another.

    Make sense?

    Thanks -


  • Hi sarah,

    Thanks for this I was recording these as a channel not a device channel.

    I must read more instead of putting 2 feet in !!!!! I understand now I dont need loads of E?? just a few.

    Taking that leap to the new effects instead of my old way is just getting better for me as I play. Cheers.

    Regards Carl

  • Hi Carl -


    Glad to be of help!

    Record Attributes mode (changed vs active) becomes more important when using the effects. Both methods have their merits, though. :-) I personally find  myself recording selected effect playback(s) directly to presets on masters as a basic setup - you can always use the master key to select that playback and make live edits on the fly.

    Have fun!

