
We recently updated to 5.1, and have had some crashes among other issues.  I've attached the show file but couldn't figure out how to add multiple attachments or would have included the log files as well.  We weren't doing anything crazy when the crashes occurred...I believe the first one was when I was updating a group and the second was bringing up a channel.  Here are the other issues I've noticed:

- Sometimes when patching in the Channel List or Output List, dimmer information will not update right away, or the entire dimmer column will disappear completely.  It's not that the patch is gone, just the display of it.
- On the coloram II's (channels 121-127) when in frame 21, which is the last frame, the channel box displays as blank rather than the frame number.
- When in "Track" tab and trying to update the Autoyokes or Icues (ch. 401-408) presets, it will not give me a drop down list of opens a "list" but it is blank.
(As a side note, it would be ideal if in track there is some way to easily choose a palette type (all, color, etc) and then easily select the number, rather than having to choose from a list that could be quite long.)
- Also in track, the display of palettes do not always reference the #.  When inputting in track the number is there, but when you have exited the tab and return, or when going to another cue to update, the number will disappear.  I put the number at the front of the name so I always have it regardless of what the console display is, which means that depending on where I'm looking there will be a double number.
- We are using Element Labs VersaTubes in the show.  When returning from Freeze they turn off until I refresh.  They are set up with the colors (RGB) as attributes and to fade with intensity, but when we return from freeze the intensity output and the display of it on the console turns off.  The percentage of RGB also seems to change to other values.



