Any ideas when the ipod/phone application is going to be released?


  • Hi guys -

    I understand your unhappiness with this situation, however either way 1/2 of our users would end up upset and/or confused. It's really not about one platform taking precedence over another. Unfortunately, you all have a wait a little bit before you pay for your iRFR application, instead of having an equal number of you upset that you had paid for the app and could not get it to run with your Eos/Ion without v1.5. Either way, it was going to be bad for someone. For this I apologize. In the mean time, we (ETC) have learned a lot about Apple's not-too-convenient method of getting software posted to the iTunes store and we have taken the opportunity to make some additional small improvements in the iRFR software. So please, bear with us.

    Thanks very much for your patience -


  • The real cynic in me might be tempted to speculate that there never was such an application. The manufacturer was testing the water to find out if there was enough demand before going to the expense of writing the software.

    Most lighting desk companys I know frequently release software complete with bugs,  ETC being no exception so why the concern over this I don't know.

    Anyway, theres no place for cynics here so I'll shut up and keep waiting.



  • The real cynic in me might be tempted to speculate that there never was such an application. The manufacturer was testing the water to find out if there was enough demand before going to the expense of writing the software.

    Most lighting desk companys I know frequently release software complete with bugs,  ETC being no exception so why the concern over this I don't know.

    Anyway, theres no place for cynics here so I'll shut up and keep waiting.



  • Actually, the app does exist.  It was shown working at the ETC Booth during USITT in March. 

    What is annoying is that users of these young desks, both the Congo and the Eos, have gone through "buggy" stages of the software, and even with all the testing in the world, some bugs will always get through.  But releases put out to people working with the product exposes the bugs, meaning they can be identified and fixed faster.  (Look at Microsoft, oh wait, bad example!)  Anyway, unless the app is actually crashing the desk or the iPod, I still want to play with it! 

    If it was truly a late May release, I could deal with it, but we all know that these software releases get pushed beyond the expected drop date, so I wouldn't expect Eos 1.5 to be released until late June, so maybe this app will be available in July.  I hope I'm wrong, though, and it is released on time.
