Changing chase rates


 I'm lighting a musical that requires more than a few different chases. Rather than make duplicates of the same chase with different times for slow and fast songs, i'd like to be able to change the speed of a chase to suit diferent songs. Is the best way to do this with time masters? Ideally i'd like to be able to match chases to diferent BPMs.



  • Time Masters are probably the easiest way to do this - it's what they are designed for!

    To create a Time Master:

    • Open the Master Editor (easiest way is to hold [Modify] and hit a Master Key)
    • Set "Content Type" to "Time Master"
    • Set "Content" to the Sequence Number you want it to control.
      • Note that this is a global speed control for all instances of that particular Sequence, whether on Masters or Main Playback.

    If you're running the overall show from one or more sequences (either on Main Playback or on Masters), remember that you can use Master Links to force Masters to any level, not just 0% or 100%, so you could make a Master Link that forces the chase to your predetermined speed.

    To do this, create the Master Link to the Time Master, then open the Sequence List and focus the Master Link cell for the relevant Sequence Step.
    Hit [Modify], then you can alter "Target Level" to whichever value is correct - remember that 50% is 'normal speed', 100% is roughly double, and 0% is stop.

    There are two other ways to do this:

    • Busking via the "Tap" function - Hold [Tap], and press the chase Master Key a few times at the new BPM.
      • This would require you to redo this for every song every time.
    • Setting Master Page BPMs, putting the same chase(s) onto multiple Master Pages and changing page for each song.
      • This allows the change of BPM to apply to lots of chases simultaneously.
      • However you can't 'fade' the change - you have to take the chases out and bring them back in after the page change.

    Clear as mud? Thought so!
  • Ha - yes that all makes sense. Would I also be correct in thinking that I could load up the the same chase sequence to say 5 different masters and change the BPM for all those masters to match different song tempos?
  • If Im right on this when you change the rate or BPM in the master page it also changes it in the sequence list. To do what you need you would have to make 5 chases the same and do the rate for each one.

    The tap button is great I use this loads a nice tip is if you know the piece of music hen hold tap and do the BPM on the master fader before you pull it up this Will record the rate before you see the chase. (hope this makes sense) the tap function works almost straight away so all you need to do is use this with the change of tempo of music, the chase should go with your beat. Of course if you've got no rhythm then dont bother. I know loads of lighting techies who dont have rhythm and trust me it looks like a baby's nappy when its not done right.


    Have a play on your own. to see if you have the "rhythm of life"



  • If Im right on this when you change the rate or BPM in the master page it also changes it in the sequence list. To do what you need you would have to make 5 chases the same and do the rate for each one.

    The tap button is great I use this loads a nice tip is if you know the piece of music hen hold tap and do the BPM on the master fader before you pull it up this Will record the rate before you see the chase. (hope this makes sense) the tap function works almost straight away so all you need to do is use this with the change of tempo of music, the chase should go with your beat. Of course if you've got no rhythm then dont bother. I know loads of lighting techies who dont have rhythm and trust me it looks like a baby's nappy when its not done right.


    Have a play on your own. to see if you have the "rhythm of life"



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