Poll: how often does your Congo crash?

Hi guys,
What's the crash rate for your Congos? My facility has two [both v4.2.1], so my impression of frequent crashes may be misleading me and I'd love to hear about other people's mileage. 
This is what I can lay my hands on right now, I'm pretty sure there have been a few more:

1/3/07 [hang]
1/25/07 [3 times]

Does this jive with your own experiences? 

  • For your information, ETC released v4.3.0 about two months ago, which adds several features and bugfixes - we recommend that all Congo users upgrade.

    Also, if your Congo does crash, we would greatly appreciate if you could email the log files to congo[at]etcconnect.com along with a brief description of what you were doing, so we can fix it!

    You can copy the log files to USB memory any time after rebooting using Browser > File > Copy Log Files to USB - you don't have to do this immediately, although it helps if you can note down what happened as soon as possible.

    Several of us spend a fair amount of our time being really evil to our Congos to try to find any bugs that the software team have missed, but unfortunately it's entirely possible for us to miss something, which is why we like it if our users can tell us about any problems they have encountered.

    ETC are dedicated to making our products the best they can be - with your help, we can achieve this goal!

    [edited by: Richard at 10:21 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 11 2007] [edited by: Richard at 10:20 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 11 2007]
  • For your information, ETC released v4.3.0 about two months ago, which adds several features and bugfixes - we recommend that all Congo users upgrade.

    Also, if your Congo does crash, we would greatly appreciate if you could email the log files to congo[at]etcconnect.com along with a brief description of what you were doing, so we can fix it!

    You can copy the log files to USB memory any time after rebooting using Browser > File > Copy Log Files to USB - you don't have to do this immediately, although it helps if you can note down what happened as soon as possible.

    Several of us spend a fair amount of our time being really evil to our Congos to try to find any bugs that the software team have missed, but unfortunately it's entirely possible for us to miss something, which is why we like it if our users can tell us about any problems they have encountered.

    ETC are dedicated to making our products the best they can be - with your help, we can achieve this goal!

    [edited by: Richard at 10:21 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 11 2007] [edited by: Richard at 10:20 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 11 2007]
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