Programming Moving Lights Before a cue

Hi there,

when plotting i cant remember how to plot with moving lights a cue before they are in for example we plot with generic states then put moving lights after but i wish to set them to their colour position etc in the cue before they come on with intensity how do i do this? is it simple and quick


thanks Zach

  • Hi Zach its a feature called GO in B, you can set this in the the preset list. If you need your movers or any Atts to be set for preset 2, go into the preset list and then go to your Atts in preset 2 and set the ones you need to move change Go on Go to Go in B then when preset 1 has finished it will look ahead into preset 2 and move your Atts which has Go in B. Also you can have this set to Go in B in settings and cross fade.

    Hope this makes sense to you, another way to play with is your CFB times have a play you can get some really nice effects if you change some of these as well.



  • Hi Zach its a feature called GO in B, you can set this in the the preset list. If you need your movers or any Atts to be set for preset 2, go into the preset list and then go to your Atts in preset 2 and set the ones you need to move change Go on Go to Go in B then when preset 1 has finished it will look ahead into preset 2 and move your Atts which has Go in B. Also you can have this set to Go in B in settings and cross fade.

    Hope this makes sense to you, another way to play with is your CFB times have a play you can get some really nice effects if you change some of these as well.


