Congo Jr. and VL1000T

Hey all-

I've got a site with a Congo Jr. and some VL1000T's where they are stating  when they use the rotating gobo, they can't ever get them to stop rotating after starting the rotation.

As I am not incredibly familiar with either the console or the fixture in question, I was wondering if anyone out there has seen this problem before?

I suspect there may be some op error involved, but I also suspect that the fixture personality could have an error as well.

Any ideas?  Does the Congo Jr have the press the encoder and use soft keys to change gobo mode (i.e. Clockwise to CounterClockwise, or to shake, or to wheel spin, etc.) and a separate encoder for rotational speed, similar to the ION/EOS consoles?



  • I use VL1000T's with my Congo.  If they are using the template in the standard library, they should have one parameter for Gobo and one for Rotation/Position under the Beam parameters.  The parameter labeled Gobo gives you the five gobos and open in Index mode [I] or rotation mode [R].  The Gobo <> either selects the orientation or the rotation speed of the Gobo selected.  If you select G1[I] in the Gobo parameter, for instance, then the Gobo <> parameter will control the direction of this gobo, where if you select G1[R]  in the Gobo parameter, then the Gobo <> will rotate the gobo either clockwise or counterclockwise.  So, it sounds like they are either only selecting the Gobo in the [R] (rotation) mode, or they are not using the standard template built into the Congo library.  All of the parameters and functions of the VL1000 are outlined in the owners manual, and Congo uses the parameters just as they are layed out in the manual.

  • Thanks.  That's what I suspected.  I am familiar enough with the Congo jr. that if I were onsite, I could probably verify function, but as this is coming in an email from the site, I cannot confirm what they are doing directly.  It also sounds like it's very similar to the functions on the ION in that respect. 

    Thanks for your reply.



