midi control congo jnr

hi all,

           looking for some advice for a show i am involved in. i have a congo jnr console. the stage will be split into 7 different areas, so the idea was to have a switch in each area which the performer would use to turn that area on or of, would like to do this with midi signal to operate faders . is this poss? and what if any midi interface units are available to perform this task? anyone have any ideas , much appreciated



  • Each Master Fader has an associated Midi Controller that directly controls the level of the Master, so you could use those.

    I'm afraid I can't help on the hardware side for MIDI, but there is probably something that can do "Controller X at Full" when pressed and "Controller X at 0" when released.

    However, there is another possible approach, using "Event List" Triggers.

    There are 4 contact closure inputs on the back of the Congo Jr that you can use (2-row D type connector next to the DMX and MIDI ports) - so that's four of your areas for free.

    You can expand these with Net3 I/O Gateways using the analogue inputs as contact-closures.

    Event List triggers run "Action Macros", which can do things like setting the level of a Master (with an optional fade time), Goto any cue on the main playback or an active Master (optionally overriding the fade time) - or any combination thereof.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:39 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 20 2009]
  • Each Master Fader has an associated Midi Controller that directly controls the level of the Master, so you could use those.

    I'm afraid I can't help on the hardware side for MIDI, but there is probably something that can do "Controller X at Full" when pressed and "Controller X at 0" when released.

    However, there is another possible approach, using "Event List" Triggers.

    There are 4 contact closure inputs on the back of the Congo Jr that you can use (2-row D type connector next to the DMX and MIDI ports) - so that's four of your areas for free.

    You can expand these with Net3 I/O Gateways using the analogue inputs as contact-closures.

    Event List triggers run "Action Macros", which can do things like setting the level of a Master (with an optional fade time), Goto any cue on the main playback or an active Master (optionally overriding the fade time) - or any combination thereof.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:39 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 20 2009]
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