
Hello all. I am a novice designer and using the Congo Jr. I have used a lot of consoles before and have figured out a lot of this one, but need to design some movement for the lights and want to do this the best way possible. I tried applying some effects and really like them, but need to know the basics of how these are supposed to work. Also, should I use these instead of macros? My lights are HE studio spots, commands; and Martin kryptons and washes. One specific problem I have is that I can't make the the effect stop, so when someone is speaking, the fixtures are still moving even tho no intensity, this is distracting. Do I need to record a "no move" effect on these cues or what? Since last take precedence.

Have read several posts on effects that I think will be much more helpful when I have a basic foundation of how effects work.

Thanks in advance!

Hilary M Nortz
LD, People's Church, OKC 

  • Hillary it sounds like you're using the dynamic effects 'raw' and plotting them, which as you have found out needs a start and a stop for each effect.  I think what you need to do is readup on Effects Playbacks.  Essentially they work like a channel controlling your effect, you make it live, you get your effect, you kill it you kill your effect.  Sarahs tutorial at the top of the forum explains dynamic effects (and the others) very clearly. 

    Look here.

    Have fun with it, the effects control in V5 is awesome.

  • Hillary it sounds like you're using the dynamic effects 'raw' and plotting them, which as you have found out needs a start and a stop for each effect.  I think what you need to do is readup on Effects Playbacks.  Essentially they work like a channel controlling your effect, you make it live, you get your effect, you kill it you kill your effect.  Sarahs tutorial at the top of the forum explains dynamic effects (and the others) very clearly. 

    Look here.

    Have fun with it, the effects control in V5 is awesome.

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