Macintosh File Server


All PCs need to be Windows when a network is built by Congo now.
Can't the Congo network which used Macintosh as the server in the future be built?

For example.

Server is Macintosh PC.
Others(Congo,CongoJr) are Cliant and accesses to Server.

Best regards,


  • An Apple Mac OS-X file server is already possible.

    Congo uses the Windows XP shared folder filesharing method - the newer versions of MacOS-X can support this.

    You will need to ensure that the Windows compatibility options are active on your Mac, and know the network address and share name given to the sharded folder.

    You'll also need to ensure that the Mac has an ETC-band IP address - 

    Unfortunately I don't own a Mac and so can't help you further - I suggest looking up "Sharing folders with Windows computers" within your Mac help files and online.

    However, Mac OS-X Clients are not yet possible.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:55 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 21 2007]
  • An Apple Mac OS-X file server is already possible.

    Congo uses the Windows XP shared folder filesharing method - the newer versions of MacOS-X can support this.

    You will need to ensure that the Windows compatibility options are active on your Mac, and know the network address and share name given to the sharded folder.

    You'll also need to ensure that the Mac has an ETC-band IP address - 

    Unfortunately I don't own a Mac and so can't help you further - I suggest looking up "Sharing folders with Windows computers" within your Mac help files and online.

    However, Mac OS-X Clients are not yet possible.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:55 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 21 2007]