Move in Black - attribute speed setting?

Hi All,
i'm trying to work out where  to control the speed of movement when moving in black.

A simple scenario.
Sequence step1/Preset 1
Movers down stage centre , no gobo, open white. full intensity.

Sequence step 3/ Preset 3
Movers Centre stage, Movers centre stage, lines gobo,  magenta, full intensity

I want them to move between these postions as quickly as possibly, but in dark, so that the movemet & change isn't visble.  I insert a sequence step 2/preset 2 with Movers down stage centre , no gobo, open white., NO intensity to make this happen. (fades out intensity, ready to move)
I then set this step to follow on to the next step ( step3) so it happens automatically.

The problem is that the movement takes much longer than necessary; the lamps fade up & are visible while the movement is happening. I know that the movers are capable of moving much faster into position/change attribute as I can move them manually or by focus positions.

Where do I control the speed of movement for the attributes while the Auto Mark/ move in Black is happening?
Does Congo take the speed for pan/tilt/colour/gobo  from the following/upcoming preset ( i.e step 3) in which case it's far too slow, or from the step where it's fading to black ( step 2) ?
If this is the case do I manually have to adjust each attribute speed, for each mover, so that my fade in/out times for other lamps are kept as I would like them to appear in that step? and is so, which step should control these times?

There is a default Show Setting which seems to control newly recorded movements, but not previously recorded presets/steps, and nothing I can find that seems to set the default for MiB/AutoMark times.

Thanks in advance,

edit : corrected step 2 settings

[edited by: Ric at 10:21 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jul 1 2009] edit : corrected step 2 settings
  • Hi Ric,

    For a specific preset, try setting the devices that you want to move in dark to Go-IN-B and put a channel time on the devices.

    Globally, if in setup you change the attribute time does this change the time to Auto Mark.

    Similarily, if there is a time set on the preset for those devices does the automark run in that time?

    I haven't played with this feature too much, so these are the suggestions that I can come up with quickly.

    Take care,


    P.S.  If you find something that works, please let all of us know.

  • Hi Ric,

    For a specific preset, try setting the devices that you want to move in dark to Go-IN-B and put a channel time on the devices.

    Globally, if in setup you change the attribute time does this change the time to Auto Mark.

    Similarily, if there is a time set on the preset for those devices does the automark run in that time?

    I haven't played with this feature too much, so these are the suggestions that I can come up with quickly.

    Take care,


    P.S.  If you find something that works, please let all of us know.

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